Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Cancer

Cancer is one of the most common terminal illnesses amongst Americans. Every third person in this country is detected with some form of malignancy during their lifetime. It has been estimated that in the current year, a whopping 1,735,350 new cancer cases will be reported. This number acts as a grim wake-up call for everyone. Instead of burying your head in the sand today and refusing to acknowledge the danger that looms large on the horizon, it is imperative to understand your risks and take proactive measures to cut them down. Protecting yourself and your loved ones from the clutches of this dreadful disease is not a complicated task. By adopting the following 10 lifestyle changes, you can keep cancerous cells at bay. Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Cancer


  1. Toss The Tobacco – Tobacco in any form – chewing tobacco, e-cigarettes, hookahs, and regular cigarettes – is one of the primary instigators for the development of cancer cells. Keep away from this nasty habit and also try not to hang around places where people are smoking. This way you will avoid passive smoking which can be just as damaging as active smoking.Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Cancer
  2. Re-invent Your Diet – Eating wholesome meals that are chockfull of natural, unprocessed foods which contain fiber, vitamins, minerals and good fats, is an excellent way to keep cancer a mile away. Keeping your hands off charbroiled meat, saturated fats, and red meat can help slash your risk considerably.
  3. Move More – Physical exercise is a must when it comes to ensuring a cancer-free existence. Many forms of carcinomas including the ones affecting the colon, prostate and breasts can be avoided by beating inertia and establishing an exercise routine.
  4. Banish The Excessive Pounds – Obesity acts as a stepping stone for almost all kinds of chronic illnesses including cancer. Imbibe good eating habits and a fitness regimen you enjoy to avoid putting on too much weight.
  5. Drink Responsibly – Alcohol abuse is yet another issue that increases your chances of contracting cancer. If you must drink, stay within the limits set by physicians. The standard recommendation is 1 drink for women and 2 for men.
  6. Eliminate The Chances Of Radiation Exposure – Overexposure to radiations emitted by the sun, imaging equipment at medical facilities, and residential radon can make your body more susceptible to carcinomas that crop up in the skin or the lungs.Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Cancer
  7. Steer Clear of Environmental Toxins – A group of toxins that may be found suspended in the air that you breathe or the water you drink can trigger the production of malignancy causing cells. These include asbestos fibers, benzenes, and PCBs
  8. Stay Infection-Free – Certain infections like the ones caused by the HPV virus can set the stage for the development of cancer in the future. Take appropriate steps to sidestep such diseases. Get yourself vaccinated and practice safe sex.
  9. Do Not Forget The Vitamin D – Getting an adequate amount of vitamin D everyday has been proven to be a crucial step towards fighting off the possibility of developing a malignancy.
  10. Try A Low Dose Of Aspirin – This tip is especially helpful for men as aspirin may lower the probability of getting struck by colon cancer or prostate cancer. However, if you decide to take aspirin, watch out for signs of peptic ulcers as prolonged aspirin use is known to instigate their formation. For more information on various types of cancers and their treatments, please visit our website – Advanced Cancer Treatment Centers.Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Cancer