Medical Experience To Pre Medical Students

Medical experience is enormously valuable to pre medical students for a variety of reasons. Some are out to observe physicians and understand what they do on a daily basis. Some our there to clarify and confirm their certainty that they want to pursue a career in medicine. While all of those reasons are also true for me, I am making clinical job shadowing a priority in life because I want to understand the challenges and rewards of the medical profession I choose and envision myself as a physician. Medical Experience To Pre Medical Students

By taking this course I can prove to myself and medical schools that I have a good understanding of the medical profession and I am committed to it. Clinical work will serve as an inspiration, helping me power through the challenges of my premedical courses, reminding me of my ultimate goal in life. This course is over a long period of time. This would be very beneficial to me because spending time with a team over the course of an semester would enable me to spend time with patients and their parents, leading me to a greater understanding of the impact of disease on a family and its dynamics. I am also looking forward to the experience of hearing patient stories. The deep and emotional moments. This long-term experience would also allow me to observe a pediatric hospital setting and learn about the way it functions, and to interact with physicals, nurses, social workers, and occupational therapists. The healthcare team in return could get to know me and gain trust in my capabilities, perhaps allow me to increase my responsibilities and contributing in some way to the patients wellbeing or the functioning of the team. This course will allow me to seek out mentors and find role models who can guide my choices in medicine. Medical Experience To Pre Medical Students


Lastly and more importantly this course will challenge me and lead to a greater hunger to learn more about medicine. I feel as if once I finish my shadowing term, I would either want to be dying to fill the physician shoes in the future, or gain a wakeup call that this field is not to me. As you may see my reasons may be similar or quite different from other applicants. I am a bioengineer. I have always longed on the idea of health care and but more importantly engineering. Unlike other biology, biochemistry, or health science majors, I never considered medicine as a career aspiration. It wasn’t until recently when I was inspired by a family member to pursue medicine. Recently, I have started my research on pursuing pediatric neurology. I spent several hours, even months just researching my career and really finding a deep passion for what I want to enter.

This course would really be an eye opener, time and money saver for me. It is very crucial that I take this course as soon as possible so I could find my track in my college career as well as my life aspirations.Medical Experience To Pre Medical Students