Mental Health Assessment to Improve Healthcare Paper


Interview Regarding a Healthcare Policy or Assessment

Identify someone in the healthcare field who may have created a policy or assessment to improve healthy living.  Contact that individual to conduct an interview about the policy.

Consider whether the policy or assessment is effective, and how your interviewee feels how it might be improved. Be sure to include the following information in your interview: Mental Health Assessment to Improve Healthcare Paper


  • Identify the interviewee.
  • The goals and objectives of      your interview.
  • Location of the organization      and how the interviewee is involved/position.
  • Description of the policy.
  • What are some of the challenges      regarding the policy development?
  • What were some of the benefits      of the policy?
  • Are there recommendations for      improving the policy?  Mental Health Assessment to Improve Healthcare Paper

Here are some suggested questions:

  1. What are the mission and vision      statements for your organization?
  2. How do these mission and vision      statements assist in helping your organization focus on healthy living      promotions?
  3. How are the daily operations      for your organization meeting policy? What are some of the areas that may      lead to improvement regarding any policy updates?
  4. What are some of the challenges      that you are currently experiencing with your policy revisions?
  5. What are some of the benefits      your policy is providing to patients, or clients?
  6. What are some of the      recommendations that you may have regarding policy improvement both      internally and externally?  Mental Health Assessment to Improve Healthcare Paper