Mental Health Concern Essay Example Paper

Mental health has been a worldwide issue in the modern world. Notwithstanding the rising number of ill mental health cases, it has not got the recognition it deserves from relevant parties. Every year, around 43.8 million individuals of the United States population suffer from a mental disorder (Chowdhary et al., 2019). These people have insurmountable impairments that have a considerable impact on their everyday lives. As a result of this insurmountability, impacted persons believe that their problems are unworthy of concern since they are uncommon compared to other illnesses. Although individuals with physical medical problems in their ability to complete different tasks are treated with contempt, psychiatric patients face preconceptions from the broader community that their problems are unimportant Mental Health Concern Essay Example Paper.


Although mental illness and insusceptible health problems may not indicate a fulfilled life, the achievement is frequently associated with the availability of community resources and therapeutic alternatives. According to research, over 40% of mental health individuals do not pursue medical help (Canady, 2016). This tendency has a negative impact on attempts to combat mental illness. In addition, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (n.d), the United States loses more than $193.2 billion each year due to its inability to function due to such illnesses. Furthermore, mental illnesses like bipolar depression and anxiety are the leading causes of hospital admission among individuals aged 18 to 44 (National Alliance on Mental Illness, n.d). As such, mental health problems continue to be a worldwide hazard Mental Health Concern Essay Example Paper.

Furthermore, these disorders have an impact on a variety of economic and social spheres. For example, one’s capacity to study is harmed, as are employment prospects and the potential to sustain good interactions with family and friends, among other things. As such, it is essential to seek medical help and make use of available community services in order to live a healthy mental state. In this light, this study intends to concentrate on a person in a specific community who is dealing with a mental disorder. The study’s main goal is to create a care coordination plan.

The patient in this scenario is mentally ill. During the examinations, it was noted that her friends and family are ready to look after her. Unfortunately, their assistance is insufficient, and they fail to recognize the client’s financial constraints in fulfilling her family’s demands. In addition, the patient establishes unrealistic objectives in order to preserve a large portion of his resources, leaving her family with little financial assistance. She wants to spend as little money as possible on his medical care. These issues raised by the client necessitate a conversation with mental health professionals and the development of a treatment plan that is congruent with community resources.

Available Community Resources for a Safe and Effective Continuum of Care

The patient may make use of a variety of support resources aimed at helping her achieve stable mental wellbeing. For starters, Mental Health America (MHA) has an associate group of mental health institutions whose goal is to influence public policy while making sure that the enormous number of people suffering from mental disorders in the United States have access to cost-effective and quality healthcare services. The Mental Health America, which operates in 42 states and has nearly 200 associates, is dedicated to providing assistance and activism to all impacted persons in all regions around the nation (Mental Health America, n.d.). The associates offer outstanding programs and services that are customized to a population’s particular requirements. The MHA may provide knowledge, mental health care, and a rehabilitation program to the patient in the case.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline also assists mental health patients by connecting them to a regional emergency facility where they may get emergency care. This service has a toll-free phone number. Another resource is the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator, which directs people to centers with reasonable payment options and recommendations to support groups. As a result, the patient may choose the facility that best matches his needs. He does, nonetheless, need assistance in recognizing the presence of these services and how to obtain them Mental Health Concern Essay Example Paper.

Care Coordination Plan

Due to the complex nature of mental health, it is advisable to use evidence-based procedures to give the best possible healthcare. A good intervention ought to be effective, well-defined, match the patient’s health goals, and match social ideals (Fabiano & Evans, 2019). An intervention should also be inexpensive and adaptable to the changing client and community requirements. As such, the healthcare professional and the client must work together to develop mutually acceptable health goals.

The patient, in this instance, is a member of the African American community in Los Angeles. Via her email address, I told her about the interview to establish her health objectives, and we set the day we would meet. One of the health goals is for the patient to interact with supportive people willing to help her. Because her family does not support her, it is decided that she could participate in practices that would publicize her to other individuals. She should also regard herself with value, handle herself with dignity, and refrain from self-criticism. Following the establishment of realistic objectives, the client should work toward reaching each one progressively. Finally, she should get professional help as fast as possible and comply with her treatment regimen. To prevent a repeat of her illness, she must learn ways to manage stress Mental Health Concern Essay Example Paper.


Canady, V. A. (2016). NAMI report calls for cultural shift to promote engagement in MH care. Mental Health Weekly, 26(30), 1-3.

Chowdhary, A., Zlotnikova, V., Lucas, C., & Lonie, J. M. (2019). How do mental health first aid ™ interventions influence patient help-seeking behaviours? A dilemma for pharmacist mental health first aid responders. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 15(1), 106-108.

Fabiano, G. A., & Evans, S. W. (2018). Introduction to the special issue of school mental health on best practices in effective multi-tiered intervention frameworks. School Mental Health11(1), 1-3.

Mental Health America. MHA Affiliate Network. Retrieved from

National Alliance on Mental Illness. (n.d.). Mental health by the numbers. NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness.

Develop a 3-4 page preliminary care coordination plan for a selected health care problem. Include physical, psychosocial, and cultural considerations for this health care problem. Identify and list available community resources for a safe and effective continuum of care. NOTE: You are required to complete this assessment before Assessment 4. The first step in any effective project is planning. This assignment provides an opportunity for you to strengthen your understanding of how to plan and negotiate the coordination of care for a particular health care problem. Include physical, psychosocial, and cultural considerations for this health care problem. Identify and list available community resources for a safe and effective continuum of care. As you begin to prepare this assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Care Coordination Planning activity. Completion of this will provide useful practice, particularly for those of you who do not have care coordination experience in community settings Mental Health Concern Essay Example Paper.

The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment. Completing formatives is also a way to demonstrate engagement. Demonstration of Proficiency By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria: Competency 1: Adapt care based on patient-centered and person-focused factors. Analyze a health concern and the associated best practices for health improvement. Competency 2: Collaborate with patients and family to achieve desired outcomes. Describe specific goals that should be established to address a selected health care problem. Competency 3: Create a satisfying patient experience. Identify available community resources for a safe and effective continuum of care. Competency 6: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead patient-centered care. Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions; contains few errors in grammar/punctuation, word choice, and spelling. Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references, exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format. Preparation Imagine that you are a staff nurse in a community care center. Your facility has always had a dedicated case management staff that coordinated the patient plan of care, but recently, there were budget cuts and the case management staff has been relocated to the inpatient setting. Care coordination is essential to the success of effectively managing patients in the community setting, so you have been asked by your nurse manager to take on the role of care coordination Mental Health Concern Essay Example Paper.

You are a bit unsure of the process, but you know you will do a good job because, as a nurse, you are familiar with difficult tasks. As you take on this expanded role, you will need to plan effectively in addressing the specific health concerns of community residents. To prepare for this assessment, you may wish to: Review the assessment instructions and scoring guide to ensure that you understand the work you will be asked to complete. Allow plenty of time to plan your chosen health care concern. Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft plan to Smarthinking Tutoring for feedback, before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback. Instructions Note: You are required to complete this assessment before Assessment 4. Develop the Preliminary Care Coordination Plan Complete the following: Identify a health concern as the focus of your care coordination plan. In your plan, please include physical, psychosocial, and cultural needs. Possible health concerns may include, but are not limited to: Stroke. Heart disease (high blood pressure, stroke, or heart failure). Home safety. Pulmonary disease (COPD or fibrotic lung disease)Mental Health Concern Essay Example Paper.


Orthopedic concerns (hip replacement or knee replacement). Cognitive impairment (Alzheimer’s disease or dementia). Pain management. Mental health. Trauma. Identify available community resources for a safe and effective continuum of care. Document Format and Length Your preliminary plan should be an APA scholarly paper, 3–4 pages in length. Remember to use active voice, this means being direct and writing concisely; as opposed to passive voice, which means writing with a tendency to wordiness. In your paper include possible community resources that can be used. Be sure to review the scoring guide to make sure all criteria are addressed in your paper. Study the subtle differences between basic, proficient, and distinguished. Supporting Evidence Cite at least two credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications that support your preliminary plan. Grading Requirements The requirements, outlined below, correspond to the grading criteria in the Preliminary Care Coordination Plan Scoring Guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. Analyze your selected health concern and the associated best practices for health improvement. Cite supporting evidence for best practices. Consider underlying assumptions and points of uncertainty in your analysis Mental Health Concern Essay Example Paper.

Describe specific goals that should be established to address the health care problem. Identify available community resources for a safe and effective continuum of care. Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions; contains few errors in grammar/punctuation, word choice, and spelling. Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references, exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format. Write with a specific purpose with your patient in mind. Adhere to scholarly and disciplinary writing standards and current APA formatting requirements. Additional Requirements Before submitting your assessment, proofread your preliminary care coordination plan and community resources list to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your plan. Be sure to submit both documents. Portfolio Prompt: Save your presentation to your ePortfolio. SCORING GUIDE Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated. VIEW SCORING GUIDE Mental Health Concern Essay Example Paper