Multiculturalism And Inter-culturalism Discussion Paper

Discussion Topic

Multiculturalism is the concept that all cultures, ethnicities and races, especially those identified with minority groups, should receive special acknowledgement when considered alongside dominant cultures, ethnicities and races. Nurses and nurse leaders should take special note of multiculturalism as it allows for integration and coexistence by creating an environment in which all cultures feel that they are acknowledges and represented thereby allowing for the community to be homogenized (Kastoryano, 2018). For instance, presenting translation services that facilitate communication between nurses and patients who may not speak in the same language Multiculturalism And Inter-culturalism Discussion Paper.


Cross-culturalism is the concept that people are from diverse backgrounds and this affects the way in which they perceive different situations, particularly unique attitudes to different situations. These differences in perceptions have an effect on how individuals communicate. Nurses and nurse leaders must apply cross-culturalism in communication as an instrument that allows them to better understand others, build trust, identify their needs, bridge cultural gaps, and respond more effectively to their needs (Bai et al., 2020). For example, nurses can apply cross-culturalism in communicating with patients by interpreting and expressing the different gestures, physical contact, tone of voice and spatial distance in verbal and non-verbal forms of communication Multiculturalism And Inter-culturalism Discussion Paper.

Transculturalism is the idea of retaining one’s culture as the dominant one while learning about other cultural nuances necessary to navigate and thrive within an environment. This ensures that even if a community has different languages, religions and cultures, they would all work together to facilitate understanding thus allowing the community to extend through the cultures and embrace freedom (Shahzad et al., 2021). For instance, a nurse applies transculturalism by being sensitive to cultural differences while focusing on the preferences and needs of individual patients. This allows the nurse to be aware of assuming that all members of one culture behave and act in the same way, thereby avoid being indifferent and insensitive to patients and stereotyping them Multiculturalism And Inter-culturalism Discussion Paper.


Bai, M., Sui, X., Zhou, C., Li, Y., Li, J., Gao, R., … & Li, F. (2020). The Challenge of Cross-Cultural Care Encounters: Perspective of Imported Nurses in Lhasa, Tibet. Biomedical Research International, 3159178.

Kastoryano, R. (2018). Multiculturalism and interculturalism: redefining nationhood and solidarity. Comparative Migration Studies, 6, Article number 17.

Shahzad, S., Ali, N., Younas, A., & Tayaben, J. L. (2021). Challenges and approaches to transcultural care: An integrative review of nurses’ and nursing students’ experiences. Journal of Professional Nursing, 37(6), 1119-1131.

Nurse leaders must work with staff to foster respect for varied lifestyles. Showing respect to all patients and colleagues, irrespective of their cultural differences, tells staff that differences are valuable. This discussion is designed to introduce key principles nurse leaders must address in leading and managing diverse groups.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • Use Google ScholarTM, Leading and Managing in Nursing, or the University Library to define multiculturalism, cross-culturalism, and transculturalism.
  • Explain the definitions in your own words and give an example of applying each term to a leadership situation. For example, think of a time in your practice when you, as a nurse leader, or your nurse leader used multiculturalism to promote inclusion among colleagues or patients. Multiculturalism And Inter-culturalism Discussion Paper