My Ideal Nursing Practice Essay Example Paper

Qualities that define my ideal nursing practice include empathy for patients/clients. As a nurse it is my desire to function in a health care system that does not discriminate, but one that is equally accessible to everyone in the society irrespective of their insurance coverage. For me this is expressing true empathy for someone who is experiencing a dysfunction in his/her body and really has no control over the circumstances. However, clients must rely on health care providers who are non-judgmental and caring from the heart My Ideal Nursing Practice Essay Example Paper.


As compassion, empathy, love and efficiency flows through me my patients and their families learn that as a person this nurse lives up the goals of a noble profession. They will learn that despite irregularities occurring within the healthcare system there is someone who cares to see him/her experience full recovery and expresses this desire with a profound caring attitude. Many patients at times, especially, among minorities and uninsured tend to feel undervalued when exposed to health care providers’ sentiments of who they are based on their circumstances

It is my belief that these qualities will help me successfully transition from student to nurse since they are needed in professional practice, but still not evident as they ought to be among professionals. In expressing these qualities means making a difference. They will transcend throughout the profession from patients/clients to colleagues. My Ideal Nursing Practice Essay Example Paper