My Philosophy of Nursing Essay

My nursing philosophy is primarily that one of a holistic concern and providing empathetic and sensitive health care to the sick and their immediate families. To me, serving as a dedicated nurse is a way of giving back to the society what it deserves, because I believe proper healthcare is the foundation of every development in the society.My Philosophy of Nursing Essay

Nursing is a profession with practitioners who are compassionate, courteous, patient, and hold a high sense of dignity and integrity, more so to those they are serving (Dossey, Keegan, American Holistic Nurse’s Association 103-105).

As a result these believes, to me offering the highest quality of nursing care, being sympathetic, and providing a favourable healing environment are three of the greatest goals of my career.

As healthcare agents, although it is hard to meet every patient’s expectations, I believe it is important for nurses to make an effort and accommodate their patients’ problems and sacrifice their best for the wellbeing of their clients and other members of the medical fraternity.

Therefore, nurses must always endeavour to have good communication skills, the required skill proficiency, and apply high level of creative and critical thinking when executing their duties.My Philosophy of Nursing Essay

Moreover, because nursing is an evidence based profession that requires proper understanding of the human health problems, I hold a personal obligation toward continuous learning, research work, and hands-on experience to improve my nursing skills.

Desirable Elements of My Nursing Philosophy

Although continuous learning and having the desired level of skill proficiency is important for nurses, the use of common sense in making the right decisions is one of the prerequisite to succeeding in this profession.

Therefore, there is need for nurses to execute all their duties with absolute care, as this is one of the primary methods of ensuring that they win the confidence of their patients.

One thing nurses should always bear in mind before handling any health matters that pertains to their patients is that, patients have entrusted their “delicate” lives in their hands; hence, the need to ensure patients are satisfied physically and emotionally (World Health Organisation; Western pacific region 1).

To achieve this, wellness and collaboration should be the two primary elements of any nursing philosophy. Wellness is not only a state of being physically okay, but also it encompasses the spiritual and emotional wellbeing.


Thus, for a patient to be termed as being okay, patients should be able to accept their state of mind by formulating appropriate coping mechanisms with the effects that come with their ailments. On the other hand, collaboration means the ability of a patient to work confidently with nurses through the two developing a relationship that is beneficial to the patient.My Philosophy of Nursing Essay

Finally, because diseases are never selective on individuals they attacks, I believe there is need for nurses to accept the diversity of patients they treat regardless of their race, class, gender, and degree of sickness.

Although I know at one point making my philosophy practical will be a challenging task, because of the ever-changing roles of nurses, at all times I am always ready to accommodate any changes associated with my profession.

In addition because the responsibilities and demands of the nursing profession are numerous, there is need for nurses to work hard, be persistent, and always sacrifice all that is at their disposal for the healthy wellbeing of the society.

Works Cited

Dossey, Barbara, Keegan, Lynn, and American Holistic Nurse’s Association.

Holistic nursing: a handbook for practice. Sudbury: Massachusetts: Jones and Ballet Publishers, 2009. Web.

World Health Organisation; Western pacific region. The role of the nurse in the healthcare team. 2010. Web.My Philosophy of Nursing Essay