Newborn And Infant Seizure Disorder On Epilepsy
The epilepsy is a disorder of the nervous system intermittently, which affects 1 percent of children and is characterized by seizures or convulsions. Most children with this disease may become a “normal and healthy.”Although his name may impress many parents, most children with epilepsy are due to good performance and treatment.Newborn And Infant Seizure Disorder On Epilepsy
It is a neurological disease in which the act of neurons affect the brain cells of children, triggering seizures. These attacks may be due to hereditary factors, infectious diseases such as meningitis and encephalitis, problems during pregnancy or head injuries.
Seizures arise from abnormal, excessive bioelectric discharges in the nerve cells of the brain and may occur in any group of nerve cells. If inhibitory mechanisms are not efficient, the discharges quickly moves on to other cells, leading to a violent disturbance of the entire brain. The attack is then generalized and usually takes place with loss of consciousness (Kanner, 2009).Newborn And Infant Seizure Disorder On Epilepsy
If the violent agitation occurs in a specific group of cells and is limited and affects only certain brain structures. These are known as focal seizures, partial. However, if the strength of this shock is large, or too weak braking processes, discharge can affect all of the brain. Partial seizure then becomes the generalized secondary focal seizure.
Seizure can be induced in virtually every human being: it depends only on the strength of the stimulus used. If the neural structures of the brain are healthy and have a fully efficient inhibitory system, the strength of the stimulus must be much greater than in cases with low threshold of excitability. Low threshold of seizure is not always a pathological phenomenon and not a constant feature of the immature brain such as small children are more prone to react with excessive bioelectric discharges in a variety of stimuli than the matured human brain (Kanner, 2009). Dlatego attack may occur once in a lifetime, but may also occur in cycles, and might have a chronic condition.Newborn And Infant Seizure Disorder On Epilepsy
For a seizure to ake place is necessary for simultaneous activation of several factors. The most important seem to be: the presence of excessive excitability changes causing more or less numerous groups of brain neurons.
Symptoms and Signs
Epilepsy is manifested by seizures that can take many forms. Generalized seizures may occur as disordered activity of arms and legs together, usually with loss of consciousness and perhaps tongue biting and urination. They may also have varying degrees of stiffness. These attacks are called generalized tonic-clonic seizures. At other times they may appear less obvious, as a lack of response to stimuli during which the child is staring absently, sometimes exhibiting automatic movements (such as swallowing repeatedly or rubbing the hands together). These seizures are called partial, focal or absent seizures, depending on the particular characteristics. There are other types of epilepsy in children that occur less frequently, such as myoclonic epilepsy, infantile spasms, a-kinetic seizures and psychomotor epilepsy or temporal lobe, among others.Newborn And Infant Seizure Disorder On Epilepsy