NSG5000 Week 2 Project Transformational Leadership

This week we will focus on Transformational Leadership. For this assignment, you will research your advanced nursing practice role and summarize your findings in a 2-4 page paper (excluding the title page and references): Define Transformational Leadership and as it relates to your identified leadership attributes that you possess or need to develop. The master’s prepared nurse demonstrates leadership in the four domains: the profession of nursing, clinical practice arena, health policy arena, and systems level. The impact could be found in health promotion, disease prevention/management, quality improvement and/or within management of a health system. In order to complete this assignment, you will first complete an assessment about your leadership style. Choose one of the topics below and respond to the question asked. Assure your leadership style is evident in your response. These are: Cherry, K. (2016). What\’s Your Leadership Style? Learn more about your strengths and weaknesses as a leader. How to Become a Better Leader Topics: Domains: health promotion, disease prevention, quality improvement and health systems Health Promotion: Healthy People 2020 have identified Metabolic Syndrome as a major health concern. Sara, lives and works as an A/GNP in rural America. NSG5000 Week 2 Project Transformational Leadership Several local faith organizations have asked if she can organize a Health Fair that will address health promotion, specifically DM. What AP roles, core competencies and support are needed to make this happen? Disease Prevention: Obesity in school age children is a significant problem. Melissa, a former elementary school teacher, is a new CNL who has recently joined her state nursing association and is passionate about the 30% or more of the students being over-weight. The local nursing association is looking for a community project to address disease prevention. Melissa has approached the officers with her concern. What AP roles, core competencies and support are needed to make this happen? Quality Improvement:Nancy, FNP, is the clinical director of a nurse managed health center that is connected to a School of Nursing. The center’s staff members includes of all advance practice nurse providers, a nurse educator, a nursing informaticists, 2 RNs, and paraprofessional staff. The team wants to determine patient satisfaction and capture data on patient experiences both for QI and as a learning experience for students studying nursing. What AP roles, core competencies and support are needed to make this happen? Health Systems: Daniel, a DNP prepared ED NP identified that patients seen in the ED for various reasons had undiagnosed HTN. He observed that the patient’s chief compliant was well addressed but the HTN was not. He has approached the hospital system about the problem and suggested an outpatient clinic adjacent to the ED to address the HTN and other coincidentally found problems. What AP roles, core competencies and support are needed to make this happen?


Transformational leadership is a unique style that focuses on motivating others to take ownership of their responsibilities and roles, and perform beyond the set expectations. Rather than assigning tasks to others with the expectation of the tasks being completed as expected by following instructions, a transformational leader teaches others how to think. For master’s prepared nurses, transformational leadership presents an opportunity to efficiently and effectively accomplish roles in the four domains of: the profession of nursing, clinical practice arena, health policy arena, and systems level. This occurs by adopting inspirational practices that motivate others to find better ways of achieving the organizational and personal goals. This is especially useful for maximizing team capacity and capability, managing change, and exploring novel and innovative ways of solving problems (Stanley, 2017). A review of my leadership attributes reveals that I am an enabler and inspirer. As an enabler, I leverage diversity and build synergies, build collaborative relationships and teams, and help others to grow by empowering them. As an inspirer, I encourage experimentations and risk-taking, energize others and direct emotions, and set directions and create an inspiring vision. The two leadership attributes (enabler and inspirer) complement transformational leadership style in helping to mobilize people into teams that can get work done, and raising the motivation, morale and wellbeing of the team through excellent rapport. In addition, it allows for conflict resolution, change management and problem solving. It is clear that transformational leadership is ideal for master’s prepared nurses as it enables them to proactively, confidently and successfully face the challenge of adapting to change and meeting high expectations even as they transform whole teams into higher levels of professional practice. Overall, transformational leadership is targeted at leveraging interactions to higher levels of motivation and morality, and inspiring others to follow the leader thereby transforming the organization with the help of others (Yoost & Crawford, 2020).NSG5000 Week 2 Project Transformational Leadership

Response to question: health promotion

At its core, health promotion is concerned with disease prevention and behavior change with respect to health and wellness. In the present situation, there is a need to organize a health fair that addresses health promotion. Faced with a similar situation and applying a democratic leadership style, my focus would be on leveraging the multidisciplinary knowledge and experience of health promotion. The democratic leadership approach encourages every person to take on a more participative role in decision-making processes. Every person is encouraged to share opinions and ideas even though the leaders retains authority on the final decision (Yoost & Crawford, 2020). In the roles of health promotion, nurses would plan and participate in community health education by offering the community members who attend the health fair with the information needed to manage and ultimately improve their health and wellness. The core competencies necessary for a health promotion role include the nurse-patient relationship, managing and negotiating the health care delivery system, cultural competence, managing health status of individuals, and monitoring and ensuring health care practice quality. To facilitate the process of health promotion, nurses must provide the appropriate information in the form of health teaching. To achieve this, nurses must leverage every interaction with patients and the community members. For instance, while providing care for metabolic syndrome, there is an opportunity for the nurse to discuss the disease management strategies at home. It becomes clear that nurses support health promotion by recognizing the subtle yet effective interactions that highlight their position as health promoters (Willis, 2014).NSG5000 Week 2 Project Transformational Leadership


One must accept that leadership is an important concept in nursing management as care provision engages different nurse personnel and other professions. In addition, one must acknowledge that transformational leadership has much value for master’s prepared nurses by presenting an opportunity to efficiently and effectively accomplish professional roles. This leadership approach adopts inspirational practices that motivate others to maximize team capacity and capability, manage change and explore innovative ways of solving problems. Besides that, enabler and inspirer have been identified as useful attributes that can be leveraged to complement transformational leadership by mobilizing people into teams, raising team motivation, morale and wellbeing, and improving conflict resolution through excellent rapport. Also, it is evident that health promotion focuses on disease prevention and behavior change. Democratic leadership has been identified as useful for health promotion since it encourages participation in decision-making processes. Additionally, in the role of nurses in health promotion, they make use of core competencies that include the nurse-patient relationship, managing and negotiating the health care delivery system, cultural competence, managing health status of individuals, and monitoring and ensuring health care practice quality.


Stanley, D. (Eds.) (2017). Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare: Values into Action (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons.

Willis, J. (Ed.) (2014). Fundamentals of Health Promotion for Nurses (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Yoost, B., & Crawford, L. (2020). Fundamentals of Nursing: Active Learning for Collaborative Practice (2nd ed.). Elsevier, Inc. NSG5000 Week 2 Project Transformational Leadership