Nurse-Sensitive Indicators Essay Discussion Paper

Nurse-sensitive indicators (NSIs) are used to point out the centrality of nursing’s achievements by assessing facets of health care and patient outcomes substantially influenced by nursing care. For registered nurses (RNs) working in acute care environments, the identification and assessment of non-significant indicators (NSIs) are crucial in portraying the contributions and value of their work. Nursing-sensitive indicators, at their most fundamental level, are intended to identify whether or not nurses add value to their clients. Furthermore, just as essential, these indicators define how that value manifests itself and whether it has an overall good or detrimental effect on both patients and the greater society Nurse-Sensitive Indicators Essay Discussion Paper


Nurse-Sensitive Indicators of Quality that Relate to Patient Care

Quality in healthcare may be difficult to define since it is understood differently by clients, clinicians, and organizational management (Lockhart, 2018). When it comes to health care, the concept of quality is often determined by the objectives of a certain medical institution. The National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) has created nursing-sensitive outcome metrics for providing high-quality healthcare in hospitals (Lockhart, 2018). In nursing science, enhancing quality has always been at the core since the times of Florence Nightingale, when she began analyzing health outcomes and the care delivered by nursing staff (Lockhart, 2018). Usage of Donabedian’s framework, the Quality Assurance (QA) paradigm, and the American Nurses Association (ANA) are all examples of variables that have driven the advancement of quality assessment Nurse-Sensitive Indicators Essay Discussion Paper.

Nursing Research Articles

One of the NDNQIs is the incidence of pressure injuries since nursing staff contributes significantly to the care and prevention of pressure ulcers in their patients (Lockhart, 2018). This is an all-too-common phenomenon in the healthcare industry, particularly among patients who have had lengthy hospital admissions, are old, or are confined to their homes or beds. One cross-sectional study’s researchers address the significance of nurse responsibilities as among the most important elements in pressure injury prevention in an acute care setting (ICU) (Ebi et al., 2019). The researchers noted that the understanding, mindset, and appropriate conduct of nurses have a substantial impact on the prevention of pressure injuries. Pressure injury decrease, according to the researchers, was associated with a better measurement of care quality (Ebi et al., 2019)Nurse-Sensitive Indicators Essay Discussion Paper.

An additional NDNQI is patient falls, which is related to inferior care quality when the number of patient falls is higher in a given medical institution than the national norm (Lockhart, 2018). According to the conclusions of one study report, enhancing patient quality of care may be accomplished by preventing falls (King et al., 2018). Following the implementation of several strategies to recognize individuals who were at risk of falling, the researchers highlight how close patient monitoring by nurses was the most important component in fall mitigation and prevention (King et al., 2018). It is reported by the researchers that by allowing nurses more opportunities to do their jobs in an effective manner, like through the use of digital documentation and a reduction in the patient to nurse ratio, the quality of healthcare may be increased as patient falls are decreased (King et al., 2018)Nurse-Sensitive Indicators Essay Discussion Paper.


Ebi, W. E., Hirko, G. F., & Mijena, D. A. (2019). Nurses’ knowledge to pressure ulcer prevention in public hospitals in Wollega: a cross-sectional study design. BMC nursing18(1), 1-12.

King, B., Pecanac, K., Krupp, A., Liebzeit, D., & Mahoney, J. (2018). Impact of fall prevention on nurses and care of fall risk patients. The Gerontologist58(2), 331-340.

Lockhart, L. (2018). Measuring nursing’s impact. Nursing made Incredibly Easy16(2), 55. https://doi/10.1097/01.NME.0000529956.73785.23

Discussion: Quality Indicators Florence Nightingale introduced research to the field of nursing, and with this introduction, a focus on improving patient care has continued to be at the forefront of nursing practice. Improving patient care lends itself to the study of quality care and patient safety, and nurse-sensitive quality indicators highlight the elements of healthcare in which patients are directly impacted by the care provided by nurses. Photo Credit: Coloures-Pic / Adobe What are nurse-sensitive indicators? What elements of a patient’s care are directly impacted by the role and delivery of care of nurses? How might these nurse-sensitive indicators change healthcare delivery and the nursing profession for a future DNP-prepared nurse? For this Discussion, you will explore your understanding of nurse-sensitive indicators of quality by reflecting on those quality indicators that may pertain most to your practice setting. You will conduct a literature search for articles that address these quality indicators and reflect on the connections between the quality indicators and quality improvement theories and philosophies. To Prepare: Addressed each of the bullets below with a subtopic, all the references used must have an in-text citation in each paragraph. All Articles MUST BE PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES THAT MUST BE USED AND should come from USA and must be within last four years only that is from 2017 to 2021. Please do not begin a paragraph with author name(s) (PLEASE USE parenthetical/in-text citations APA format and 7 edition) • Post a brief description of the two nurse-sensitive indicators of quality that you selected. Note: Do not select nurse-sensitive indicators related to staffing. • Analyze the influence of early quality improvement theories and philosophies on the development of the quality indicators you selected. Be specific. Then, cite the two (2) nursing research articles you selected, and • explain how these indicators may influence your practice setting. Be specific and provide examples. • Select one definition of quality published by any peer-reviewed source that particularly resonates with your thinking about quality. PLEASE THIS TEXTBOOK BELOW MUST BE USED, USED peer reviewed articles that will address all the bullet points above Also any additional articles which is peer reviewed from 2017 to 2021 published Nash, D. B., Joshi, M. S., Ransom, E. R., & Ransom, S. B. (Eds.). (2019). The healthcare quality book: Vision, strategy, and tools (4th ed.). Health Administration Press Nurse-Sensitive Indicators Essay Discussion Paper

Discussion: Quality Indicators

Florence Nightingale introduced research to the field of nursing, and with this introduction, a focus on improving patient care has continued to be at the forefront of nursing practice. Improving patient care lends itself to the study of quality care and patient safety, and nurse-sensitive quality indicators highlight the elements of healthcare in which patients are directly impacted by the care provided by nurses.

Photo Credit: Coloures-Pic / Adobe

What are nurse-sensitive indicators? What elements of a patient’s care are directly impacted by the role and delivery of care of nurses? How might these nurse-sensitive indicators change healthcare delivery and the nursing profession for a future DNP-prepared nurse?

For this Discussion, you will explore your understanding of nurse-sensitive indicators of quality by reflecting on those quality indicators that may pertain most to your practice setting. You will conduct a literature search for articles that address these quality indicators and reflect on the connections between the quality indicators and quality improvement theories and philosophies. Nurse-Sensitive Indicators Essay Discussion Paper


To Prepare: Addressed each of the bullets below with a subtopic, all the references used must have an in-text citation in each paragraph. All Articles MUST BE PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES THAT MUST BE USED AND should come from USA and must be within last four years only that is from 2017 to 2021. Please do not begin a paragraph with author name(s) (PLEASE USE parenthetical/in-text citations APA format and 7 edition)

  • Posta brief description of the two nurse-sensitive indicators of quality that you selected. Note: Do not select nurse-sensitive indicators related to staffing.
  • Analyze the influence of early quality improvement theories and philosophies on the development of the quality indicators you selected. Be specific. Then, cite the two (2) nursing research articles you selected, and
  • explain how these indicators may influence your practice setting. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Select one definition of quality published by any peer-reviewed source that particularly resonates with your thinking about quality.

PLEASE THIS TEXTBOOK BELOW MUST BE USED,  USED peer reviewed articles   that will address all the bullet points above

Also any additional articles which is peer reviewed from 2017 to 2021 published

Nash, D. B., Joshi, M. S., Ransom, E. R., & Ransom, S. B. (Eds.). (2019). The healthcare quality book: Vision, strategy, and tools (4th ed.). Health Administration Press. Nurse-Sensitive Indicators Essay Discussion Paper