Nurse Staffing Capstone Project Paper

Running head: PROJECT 1 Nurse Staffing Capstone Project Name Institutional Affiliation PROJECT 2 Background Inadequate nurse staffing presents a major problem facing healthcare facilities. It implies a lack of sufficient nurses to deal with the needs of patients. Driscoll et al. (2018) argue that higher nurse staffing leads to reduced patient mortality, low medication errors, and decreased infections. They also contend that adequate nurse-to-patient ratios increase patient satisfaction in addition to influencing several other patient outcomes. Griffiths et al. (2018) found that low nurse staffing contributed to reports of missed nursing care in health facilities Nurse Staffing Capstone Project Paper.


As seen from these studies, the topic of inadequate nurse staffing remains paramount to patient safety in addition to care delivery. The nurse shortage problem results from an inability to fill gaps left by retiring and outgoing nurses. Other causes of nurse shortage include high competition among public and private hospitals, low nursing school capacities, and poor immigration laws in addition to cynical shortages of nurses. This shortage has a far-reaching effect because hospitals cannot provide the required services to the increasing needs of different patients looking for care. Available nurses often strain to offer such services due to heavy workloads and physical burnouts. Problem Statement The majority of the nursing practices around the world face similar problems Nurse Staffing Capstone Project Paper