Nurse Staffing Ratios Assignment

Running Head: NURSE STAFFING RATIOS Nurse Staffing Ratios Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 NURSE STAFFING RATIOS 2 Selected issue: Nurse staffing ratios Introduction The nurse-patient ratio outlines the total number of patients under the care of one nurse at any given time. Despite being fully cognizant of the role of staffing in the delivery of safe and high-quality medical care, many human resource departments in various health care facilities do not seem to take notice of the patient-nurse ratios. A facility’s staffing model ought to be flexible and should effortlessly respond to the ever-changing occupational needs in the medical space, i.e. Nurse Staffing Ratios Assignment


the capricious numbers of client admissions, referrals, and transfers in a single work shift, the varying skill and proficiency demands from various special medical procedures, etc. Against this background, this paper provides a summary of the different leadership and management approaches to addressing staffing among nurses. Description of the issue and how it impacts the quality and patient safety in the care setting The nurse staffing ratio is a key healthcare policy matter under contention in many health care facilities under different jurisdictions all over the world. Nurses, notwithstanding the contribution of other medical cadres, are a key resource regarding the dispensation of quality health care and the improvement of patent health outcomes (Nogueira et al., 2017)Nurse Staffing Ratios Assignment