Nurses Are Held In High Regard By The Public

Nursing as a profession has been built up over the centuries and more rapidly in recent decades as medicine, these developments demand a quality education with human, scientific, technical and ethical, to meet all human responses of patient family and community, that have been modified by biotechnology developments, new lifestyles, socio-economic changes, new family structures due to migration, the environment polluted by the same man, minimizing appearance of the traditional cultures, especially in health aspects. This reality demands training and improved health practices with knowledge of the biological and social sciences such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, philosophy, ethics, bioethics, behavior and theology itself, to guide the international teamwork, and multidisciplinary trans professional people and we do not health professionals.Nurses Are Held In High Regard By The Public

The nurse’s training at undergraduate and postgraduate are trying to put more emphasis on ethics and bioethics, as well as continuing education in a committed work between schools and hospital services and primary care such as health centers and sub centers. This training aims to quality care and warmth to the patient / user, family and community to promote self-care, advocacy and health promotion, disease prevention and recovery and rehabilitation of health, respecting their dignity their rights and the environment. This is the reason why numerous individuals hold nurses at high esteem, however, there are still some who do hold nurses at high esteem.Nurses Are Held In High Regard By The Public


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The nurses are held at high regard by the public as one of the major personal goals of nursing is helping others in need. This is the main personal goal of every nurse. The nurses take proper care of others and even save the lives of numerous individuals. The nurse, whether in home care, hospital or nursing homes, stays close to patients and come to his aid when needed, even before a physician. A nurse has the responsibility to react and come up with appropriate solutions in accordance to the problem which has arisen (Chitty & Black, 2007). Nursing is a very respectable occupation in the opinion by various people. The nurses’ philosophies can vary from person to person depending on their views, culture or religion, but, the diversities combination makes the nursing profession very special (Dennis, 2004). The main personal goal of the nurse is to place the concern and care of the patients at the highest priority. Nurses are expected to treat patients with respect and dignity irrespective of the social status of the patient. Moreover, they ensure human dignity and also ensure a positive relationship with the patients. Besides this, the nurses ensure that they understand the nature of the health problems well and work with self-determination. The nurses take care of patients like they are their family members. However, they also develop a positive relationship with colleagues and the others people they interact with.Nurses Are Held In High Regard By The Public