Nursing Advance Assessment Essay Paper

Section Two: Complete the following sections of subjective data: Please see format under course information and refer to your Bates texts) Specific data can be created. Yes, creative writing! (No specific references or word requirements are needed for this section). I will be critiquing these carefully and providing information which everyone should integrate into future assignments and patient clinical notes. So expect a lot of online feedback in this thread. And then read, re-write, and perfect these areas. It will help everyone!

My soap note area is health maintenance It is creative writing you may choose any area that relates to health maintenance I will attach soap format to follow.


Biographical and Identifying Data
Date and Time
Name of clinic
Identification Data (age, gender, occupation, ethnicity and marital status)
Contact Information (address, phone number) Nursing Advance Assessment Essay Paper
Source and Reliability

Chief Complaint
History of Present Illness
Past Medical History–list information under each section in paragraph form
Childhood Illness/Adult Illnesses/Medical/Surgical/Obstetrical/Psychiatric
Medications (prescription/OTC/herbals/supplements)
Allergies (medications/foods/environmental
Health Maintenance: Immunizations, PAP smear, Mammogram, Colonoscopy, Recent Lipid Panel, Nursing Advance Assessment Essay Paper