Nursing Informatics In The Work Setting

Nursing is one of the most important fields in medicine. It is regarded as an important activity which helps the patients. Nurses are responsible for providing good healthcare to the patients. With the changing world, the nurses should be able to keep up with the technology advancement and should ensure that new technology is implemented in their field to provide patients with good healthcare facilities. Implementing advanced technology related to the healthcare is the responsibility of the healthcare officials and they should ensure that they implement such technology for the betterment of the patients. Nursing informatics is an important concept these days. According to the American Nursing Informatics Association, it is defined as “nursing informatics is a specialty that integrates nursing science, computer science, and information science to manage and communicate data, information, knowledge and wisdom in nursing practice.”Nursing Informatics In The Work Setting


Importance of the Topic

Nursing informatics is a concept that is new, but is very important and relevant in today’s world. This is the reason this concept is being discussed a lot these days. The healthcare providers are looking in the future and according to them without nursing informatics, there is no future of nursing. According to them by 2020, the healthcare industry should have proper nursing informatics system which will aid them in providing good quality healthcare to the patients (Staggers & Thompson, 2002). The importance of this topic is huge in today’s world because of the technology advancement and if nursing informatics is to be implemented in the future it is very necessary for the healthcare providers to ensure that they provide training to the nurses and prepare them for the change in the future.

Literature Search

The search focused on the collection of secondary data. The data has been extracted from a number of journals, books and online publications. The aim of secondary research is to gather information from various mediums such as online publications, already published data, past records, journals, newspapers etc. All such resources are characterized as non-human and help in gathering data that is helpful and useful for the research. Both public and private libraries as well as online libraries will be visited to access the data. Some of the online databases that will be accessed are Ebsco, Questia, Emerald, and phoenix and so on.Nursing Informatics In The Work Setting

The criteria of selection for literature were relevance to the research topic and year of publication. Both public and private libraries as well as online libraries were visited to access data. Some of online databases that were accessed are Ebsco, Questia, Emerald, Phoenix and so on. These data bases enable access to many libraries that contain a plethora of information and recent knowledge about the concerned topic. Also the data are mostly peer-reviewed and validates.

It is easy to find and collect secondary data, however, one needs to be aware of the limitations the data may have and the problems that could arise if these limitations are ignored.Nursing Informatics In The Work Setting