Nursing Leadership Essay Discussion Paper

Nursing leadership is a concept that has been evolving over the years. It is generally understood as how nurses use their knowledge, skills, and abilities to influence patient care and outcomes. Nursing leadership is about setting a vision for the future of healthcare and working to make that vision a reality. Zamboni et al. (2020) found that nearly 60% of nurse leaders said they were experiencing burnout, and another found that nearly 80% said they were concerned about the shortage of nurses. Despite these challenges, nursing leaders continue to strive to positively impact the healthcare system. Nursing leaders work to advocate for changes that will improve the quality of care and patient outcomes.


Nursing innovation and excellence are two important concepts for nursing leadership. Nursing innovation refers to creating new ideas or ways of doing things in nursing. Conversely, excellence refers to the quality of being outstanding or extremely good (Zamboni et al., 2020)Nursing Leadership Essay Discussion Paper. In order for nursing leaders to be effective, they need to be able to combine these two concepts. They must be able to generate new ideas and then implement them in a way that leads to excellent care for patients. Only by constantly striving for innovation and excellence will nursing leaders be able to improve the quality of care and meet the ever-changing needs of patients.

Body of the paper

Nursing leaders are vital in promoting innovation and excellence within the nursing profession. By encouraging nurses to think creatively and experiment with new ideas, nursing leaders can help to foster a culture of innovation within their organizations (De Brún & McAuliffe, 2020)Nursing Leadership Essay Discussion Paper. In addition, nursing leaders can also help ensure that nurses provide high-quality care to patients by setting high standards and expectations. By facilitating innovation and excellence within the nursing profession, nursing leaders can help improve patients’ quality of care.

Nursing leadership is critical to facilitating innovation and excellence in nursing care. Leaders play an important role in setting the tone for their team and fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation. They also provide direction and guidance when nurses face new challenges (O’Donovan et al., 2019). Leaders can help their teams provide patients with the best possible care by facilitating innovation and excellence in nursing care. In turn, this can lead to improved patient outcomes and a higher level of satisfaction with the care that nurses provide.

For instance, a nurse leader sets the tone for how nurses care for patients, work together as a team, and collaborate with other health care professionals. A nurse leader would be proactive in creating a plan for patient care, ensuring that all nurses are on the same page and working together to provide the best possible care (O’Donovan et al., 2019)Nursing Leadership Essay Discussion Paper. A nurse leader would also be open to new ideas and willing to work with others to find the best solutions. In short, nurse leaders care about their patients and colleagues’ well-being and always look for ways to improve their care.



In nursing, leadership is vital to providing high-quality patient care and achieving positive outcomes. In today’s ever-changing healthcare landscape, it is more important than ever for nurses to be innovative, excellent leaders. By promoting a culture of innovation and excellence in nursing, we can ensure that our patients receive the best possible care. Nursing leaders play a critical role in this effort, providing direction and inspiring others to strive for greatness. When nurses can work together in an environment of innovation and excellence, patient care will improve Nursing Leadership Essay Discussion Paper