When assigned to write a nursing philosophy paper by your course instructor, you must reflect on what you learned in the classroom. After that, you can gather knowledge from other sources to deeply understand the philosophy of nursing before you begin writing.

The nursing philosophy paper consists of the nursing students’ or professionals’ motivating factors for desiring to become a nurse. Your natural interests and perception about what is true in nursing drive you towards providing healthcare services. That can include your beliefs, ethics, motivation, and values.

In this article, we provide the philosophy nursing definition, how to successfully write a nursing philosophy paper, tips, examples, different types, and everything you need to know about the philosophy of nursing essay writing. If your assignment deadline is fast approaching and you need someone to help you with your paper, contact us now for assistance.

What is Nursing Philosophy?

When someone randomly asks you, “What is a nursing philosophy,” can you comfortably answer them without hesitating? If not, you need not worry because our experts have a simple definition that will be easy to comprehend. Nursing philosophy refers to the mission statement that contains a nurse’s beliefs, motivation for becoming a nurse, professional ethics, personal ethics, and values.

This nursing philosophy statement may consider the educational background, training, professional practice, professional and personal approach to career goals, and patient care as a nursing professional. It may also contain information like your perception of what makes a good nurse, what nursing means to you, and what you do to make you a good nurse.

Why is Nursing Philosophy Important?

When writing your nursing philosophy paper, you must understand its importance to nursing professionals.

A nursing philosophy will enable you to:

Improve how you relate with your colleagues, patients, and their families

Values such as dependability, integrity, and respect can help you interact with other staff and patients to uphold these values.

For instance, you can demonstrate respect by honouring a patient’s privacy and integrity by treating everyone with the same level of consideration or dependability by assisting other nurses or physicians in providing patient care and treatment.

Overcome professional challenges and stay motivated

Challenges such as demanding shifts, burnout, illness exposure, and changing schedules can be demotivating. What can keep you going is knowing your nursing career goals and why it is important to you to be a nurse.

For example, suppose your nursing philosophy statement revolves around being a humanitarian and ensuring patients receive the best care possible. In that case, that might help you put your demanding shifts into perspective.

Summarize resume objective

When applying for a role in nursing, the process will be more straightforward when you have a nursing philosophy. Your statement explains why you are passionate about nursing and what makes you a good nurse.

Prepare for a nursing interview

The answers to the most common nursing questions asked in interviews are in the nursing philosophy paper. That could be questions like what keeps you motivated, why you got into the nursing profession, how your values and beliefs align with the company, etc.

Sometimes, the hiring manager can ask you questions directly from your personal philosophy of nursing statement. It is best to review it before going to the interview.

 Guide you in career development decisions

One of the critical elements of a nursing philosophy paper is the impact you want to have as a nurse. You can use this element to guide you in your career development decisions, such as selecting nursing roles, advancing nursing education, earning certifications, and taking leadership roles that correspond to your philosophy of nursing.

Personal nursing philosophy will help you to guide ethical, competent, evidence-based, and science-driven nursing practice.

The Key Components of a Nursing Philosophy

When developing a personal philosophy of nursing, you must consider elements such as knowledge, values, role, and process. Below is a summary of each of the features.


A nursing role entails the nurse’s responsibility to the profession and patients when managing or providing patient treatment and care.


This element addresses nurses’ clinical experience and academic background and how both contribute to patient care delivery or management.


These beliefs govern a nurse’s moral judgment, behaviour, and attitude. Nurses can have professional and personal values influenced by individual needs, culture, relationships, and social influences.

How to Write a Nursing Philosophy Paper

The following steps will enable you to write an influential nursing philosophy paper.

Determine what inspired you to be a nurse.

Nursing professionals are drawn to a nursing career by different things, such as having a family member who has a nursing career, losing a loved one, inspiration from a movie character that was a nurse, you were treated well by a nurse, or any other motivation.

Ascertain why nursing is critical to you.

It would be best to determine the benefits you derive from providing patient education and awareness, providing patient care, or contributing to patient treatment. For instance, you enjoy saving lives or interacting and building connections with patients to make them feel better about their situations.

Incorporating this element in your nursing philosophy will enable you to promote personal connection and motivation to your position and role.

List your strengths as a nurse.

Recognizing your areas of strength can enable you to use your nursing philosophy statement to restate your abilities as a nurse and try to keep improving them. You can compile a list of skills and personality traits you possess that make you an excellent nurse, like:

  • Resourcefulness
  • Leadership
  • Compassion
  • Creative and critical thinking
  • Confidence
  • Analytical and problem-solving
  • Kindness
  • Empathy
  • Time management
  • Organization
  • Communication

You can then select a few that you are best at or believe will help you become a good nurse.

Outline your personal values.

Recognize and list personal values that enable you to approach patient treatment and care how you do as a nurse.

Some of these values include:

  • Creativity
  • Human dignity
  • Integrity
  • Honesty
  • Accountability
  • Patience
  • Professionalism
  • Altruism
  • Service

Connect how your personal values relate to your nursing roles. For instance, if your personal values are integrity, service, and teamwork, you might connect them to your personal philosophy of nursing like:

  • Having integrity as a nurse means accepting and being accountable for your faults and trying to rectify them, moving forward to provide the best and safest patient care possible.
  • The community, patients, and their families rely on your services as nurses. Hence you must deliver quality services.
  • You must be willing to collaborate with other nurses and healthcare providers to deliver comprehensive patient care and treatment.

Contemplate the positive change you want to have as a nurse.

You can include your ambitions and goals as a nurse in your nursing philosophy paper. That will guide and motivate you to advance your career. Your positive change can be something like reducing the rate of teenage pregnancy among the girls in your community through sex education and creating awareness of contraceptives.

Reassess your nursing philosophy as you advance in your career.

As you strive to overcome professional and personal challenges by advancing your career, how you perceive your nursing career and your goals changes. It is always good to revise your philosophy statement to include newly acquired skills, values, motivations, approaches to patient care, goals, and personality traits.

Consider other things. 

State how you plan to improve yourself and your relationship with other nurses and healthcare providers in the facility.

Tips for Writing a Nursing Philosophy Paper

Writing a nursing philosophy paper can be easy for students or professional nurses. Below are some additional tips to remember as you begin to craft your personal nursing philosophy paper.

Keep it brief and straightforward. 

Your statement should have a maximum of three sentences. That makes it easy to remember in your nursing interviews or as you write your resume.

Demonstrate your level of preparedness.

Incorporate an active voice in your nursing philosophy paper. That will enable you to reflect the intent to become a nurse, hence encouraging you to follow your philosophy.

Be yourself

Try not to fake who you are to make others happy. In your personal nursing philosophy, be real and genuinely state what nursing means to you and who you are as an individual.

Keep an open mind

As you advance in your nursing career, there are chances that along the way, you may have to evaluate and revise some goals and values. That doesn’t mean neglecting them. It is simply upgrading your philosophy of nursing statement to mirror the growth and expansion of your nursing goals.

Place a copy where you can see it often.

Consider writing your nursing philosophy statement on a sticky note or paper and placing it somewhere you can view it daily.

Personal Philosophy of Nursing Examples

Each nurse’s personal philosophy of nursing examples may vary. A nurse’s academic background, previous work experience, and motivations can influence their approach to nursing practices. The more knowledge and skills you possess as a nurse, the more disciplined you are to adhere to your professional and personal values. Develop your personal statement based on your interests and goals, not other people’s opinions.

The following are some nursing philosophy examples that can guide and inspire you as you write your unique nursing philosophy paper.

Philosophy of nursing examples for nursing students

“My philosophy of nursing is I believe that nursing is a privilege granted to people who are excited and passionate about using their knowledge, time and skills to help others who are incapable of helping themselves. I commit to give my best to ensure that I impact the lives of others and make them feel better and loved.”

Nursing philosophy examples for practising nurses 

“My personal philosophy of nursing is that every nurse regardless of the units of work or experience has something of value to give to the profession and patients. My goal is to have an open mind and be curious to gain experience and sharpen my skills as I offer patient care and advance my nursing career.”

Philosophy of nursing examples for RNs

“As a qualified nurse, my philosophy is quite brief. My goal is to be the best version of myself as I serve my patients and as I interact with other nursing professionals. I want my patients, their families and my colleagues to know that they can depend on me.”

Nursing philosophy examples for pediatric nurses

“My desire to become a pediatric nurse developed when I was in elementary school. Babysitting and watching my younger siblings grow made me strive to work in a pediatric unit. I love seeing how babies bring so much joy to my patients and their relatives. I will give my best to impact their lives.”

Nursing philosophy examples for psychiatric nurses

“Psychiatric nursing is a speciality that is truly personal for me. Growing up, I watched my father drown in his own thoughts and there was no one to assist him. I vowed to help others who have nobody to help them deal with mental illnesses. I strive to respect and honour patient values as I impact their life positively.”

If you are a nursing student writing a philosophy of nursing assignment, include a few personal philosophy of nursing essay examples to show your instructor that you fully understand the concept of writing a nursing philosophy paper.

The above examples of nursing philosophy will guide you to write your own as a nursing student, new, registered, pediatric, or psychiatric nurse. If you need customized ones or require professional guidance on how to write different types of nursing philosophy, contact us now.

Purchase a Nursing Philosophy Paper from Our Experts Today!

Writing a nursing philosophy requires time to consider your motivation, values, beliefs, goals, etc. Sometimes, your instructor can ask you to write a philosophy of nursing essay within a few hours. That might put you under a lot of pressure when you have other academic projects. You need not worry anymore because, at nursingessayexamples.com, we have a team of experts who will write and present the paper to you before the deadline. Buy an affordable nursing philosophy paper from us today!