Nursing Professional Career Plan Essay Paper

Holistic Life Balance

I intend maintaining holistic life balance by engaging in activities that would promote this development. For me the first step is aligning with myself by realizing who I am from a spiritual perspective. It has been advanced by scholars that humans are three fold spirit, body and a social entity.  I will thereafter attend to my body’s needs then the social aspect of my life such as the profession.

Stressors and Challenges

For me stressors and challenges in my life relate to managing relationships. This could be resolved by consistently expressing my individuality more frequently relying on my inner strength to survive rather than living to please others. The other challenge stressor is transitioning into professional roles. This means spending less time on activities, which are non-productive and concentrating on achieving professional goals Nursing Professional Career Plan Essay Paper.


For example, if I encounter a problem with child care for my children in getting to work on time, I would have to either try getting someone or a facility that can accommodate them during the shifts I have to work. Similarly, if I have difficulty completing my student’s assignments and it presents as a stressor I would have to seek assistance by asking or extensions. It would mean forsaking many other activities love participating in to have them done on time

Lifelong Learning

My lifelong learning plan encompasses climbing the professional ladder striving to attain the highest level to which my potential could take me.  For example, I would enroll to coninue  my education as an advance practice nurse in oncology. Obtaining more knowledge is useful and necessary if as professionals’ we want to become the best in our practice. Therefore, enrolling in courses that would enhance this desire is a major part of my plan. Besides, enrolling in programs that would prepare me to be a better people person is a plan I embrace. During the first year of training I plan on completing an industrial relations course. I hope that it would facilitate my transition from a student into a professional.

Professional Contributions

The professional nursing community to which I wish to make a contribution is my professional nursing organization. I am planning to join the organization and play an active role becoming an officer responsible for continued professional development of my peers. As a student I plan on becoming involved in the student’s body of my school as an officer. Students’ affair is always in need for more people to support freshmen at college. I plan on joining a support new student in their orientation at nursing school Nursing Professional Career Plan Essay Paper.


These plans reflect my deepest hopes and aspirations of attaining excellence in this profession. For me it is going beyond being the best nurse ever, but making a distinct difference. I plan on adopting strategies to help me cope with the stressors of daily living such as child care and completing assignments on time. For lifelong learning my professional goal is to become an advanced oncology nurse. In my personal my desire is to become an advocate for workers by learning more about industrial relations. My professional contribution pertain to participating in my professional nurses’ organization and the student contribution is to my student body Nursing Professional Career Plan Essay Paper