Nursing Research Assignment Discussion

1) How does nursing research relate to the everyday life of a nurse?

In their daily practice, nurses use different ways of research for the purpose of providing evidence-based care. It means that an evidence-based approach promotes quality health outcomes both for patients and health care systems (Burge and Sullivan, 2012). It can be even said that nursing research helps not only to treat patients better, but also to save human lives and money because the constant review of the way of work in attempts to seek for new and more effective ways of conducting some procedures and other aspects of treatment allowed to increase the time of recovery and to decrease the costs on the treatment.Nursing Research Assignment Discussion

Nursing research requires the presence of many personal and analytical qualities in every nurse. These qualities are the capacity for critical thinking and understanding of research processes, ability to analyze all the information gained in the result of the research, and awareness of ethical issues in the area of research. Of course, nurses are in a constant training of their qualities, and providing research, they should implement all the skills to achieve the best results. For instance, in a case doing evidence-based practice, nurses should go through five explicit steps. The first step is to identify a problem and to form a specific question on its base; the second step is to find the best available evidence and to complete search of the literature. The third step includes critical appraisal of the evidence for its validity, usefulness and of course, methodological rigour. The next step is to apply the results to the situation, while the last step is to evaluate the effect on the patient. It becomes obvious that the process is not as simple as it may seem for the first glance, so nursing research may take enough efforts from the nurse’s side in providing all the steps in everyday life.


2) How are the quality improvement efforts of a hospital similar to the nursing research process?

Quality improvement is a kind of a systematic approach which is used for planning and introducing in practice of new improvements (Levin and Feldman, 2006). It emphasizes estimation and improvement of various work processes, and its focus is aimed at the quality of the care delivered by health care professionals. We can see the main similarity in the primary aim of the both processes because both the quality improvement efforts of a hospital and the nursing research process are made for the purpose of helping patients to achieve the most efficient treatment and recovery and to help health care professionals to work better.Nursing Research Assignment Discussion

The two concepts of our discussion consist of many steps, and both the nursing research process and the quality improvement efforts require the presence of specific personal traits and analytical skills in people who are engaged in these processes. Being more specific, it is good to note that the quality improvement efforts are based on understanding, checking and improving of all the conducted work processes just at the moment and not after the occurrence of the mistake. It means that it is better to control the process than to correct mistakes. To continue, the nursing research process is also important to understand the problem and to work out the ways of its solution, as well as implementation in practice and estimation of the results. In other words, the nursing research process helps to avoid the mistakes in the work with the patients and leads to the absence of mistakes in the treatment.Nursing Research Assignment Discussion