Nursing Role Assignment Discussion Paper

NURSING ROLE #12 1 Nursing role #12 Name Institution NURSING ROLE #12 2 What is your role as a nurse in protecting patient healthcare information? Due to the advancement in technology, protecting patient’s data has become a serious issue in which healthcare centers need to address. This is because there are third parties who gain access to the data and utilize it for different purposes than what it was intended to do. Thus, it is the responsibility of each stakeholder in the health institutions to ensure that personal data about patients remain confidential and private Nursing Role Assignment Discussion Paper.


However, in this case, I will be analyzing the role of a nurse in protecting patient healthcare information and the measures that need to be put in place to achieve, such as an objective. It is the responsibility of the nurses to safeguard confidential data of the patients unless stated otherwise by the law on how the information should be disclosed. Therefore, my role as a nurse is to ensure that the set guidelines and policies are strictly adhered to at all times. For example, I will make sure that the hospital privacy and security policies of protecting private patient data are adhered to. Secondly, I have to comply with HIPAA regulations and rules. Also, to avoid negligence and to make errors, I will make sure that I understand the definition of the protected health information, when and whom it should be shared to minimize confusion (Alfredsdottir & Bjornsdottir, 2008)Nursing Role Assignment Discussion Paper