Nursing Theories Essay Example Paper

In my opinion, Martha Rogers nursing theories and the Anne Boykin nursing theories provide a nurse with the caring foundation needed to excel at meeting the needs of patients. The Anne Boykin nursing theories are based on theory that all people by nature are caring and the delivery of nursing is a personal commitment and response to helping people in our society. In agreement, that the primary focus of nursing is to nurture others based on each situation where personal unique care is warranted. The theory of Nursing as Caring by Anne Boykin is an informative and effective nursing theory which presents a clear philosophical foundation that helps nurse with real-world applications. This theory is grounded compassionate care, nurturing care and being human is naturally a characteristics of caring for others. According to Annie Boykin that caring is a special experience that is created in that instance that a person needs professional nursing personal care. In agreement with Boykin that nursing is self-sacrificing demonstration of love Nursing Theories Essay Example Paper.


Martha Rogers nursing theories are a good foundation for all nursing to apply these caring theories. The Rogers’ nursing theory can be defined as humanistic which is a concern for human dignity, welfare and values. In addition, defined as humanitarian, which is concern with improve the health and happiness of all people. The Rogers theories foundation is integrated into two dimensions called the Science of Unitary Human beings. The first is the science of nursing that comes from scientific research and the second is the art of nursing which uses science to improve the quality and caring of all life. In agreement with the assumptions of Theory of Unitary Human Beings such as man naturally has integrity while continuously exchanging energy from one another. The life force is real that evolves in space continuously and patterns that reflect man’s wholeness. And lastly, man’s capacity for language, emotion, and thoughts. Rogers theories can be summarized as promoting good health, prevention of disease while providing humanistic and humanitarian care with the Theory of Unitary Human Beings and Science of Unitary Human beings theories Nursing Theories Essay Example Paper