Organizational Culture Assessment Tool Discussion Paper

Organizational culture is a critical factor in defining health care practice and management. It presents the collection of values, practices and expectation in the organization, which guide and inform actions of the personnel and other stakeholders (Kassem & Ajmal, 2019). There are different dimensions/elements of organizational culture to include flexibility, discretion, dynamism, control, flexibility, order, internal and external orientation, integration, unity, differentiation, and rivalry. An organizational culture assessment tool is an instrument that separates the dimensions of organization culture into levels based on how easily they can be observed (Van Huy et al., 2020). This paper presents the results of an organizational culture assessment Organizational Culture Assessment Tool Discussion Paper.


Organizational Culture Assessment

Statement Response
1. I am at ease and comfortable when I’m around others at work – regardless of their title, position, or stature. 4
2. We evaluate the quality of the decisions we make internally. 4
3. Work is shared based not on who “owns it,” but rather on who is in the best position to get it done. 4
4. I can be my whole self while at work and don’t have to pretend to be someone I’m not. 4
5. I am given autonomy in my job. 3
6. We remove ‘silos’ and ‘boundaries’ at work; we aren’t territorial. 3
7. If a process, procedure, approach is not working, we can correct it with ease. 3
8. Everyone here is clear on what drives our success as an organization. 4
9. We use tools and platforms internally to help us collaborate and communicate more effectively. 4
10. The internal tools and technologies we use in My Company are as good, if not better than the ones our competitors use. 3
11. We welcome comments from others even if they disagree with us. 4
12. We push past the “we’ve always done it that way” objection. 4
13. We are evaluated on the core values that are important to our success. 4
14. We care about making our community a better place to live. 4
15. I get to exercise my creativity at work. 3
16. People know what other departments need from them and share the right information at the right time. 4
Answer with 1 = Strongly disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, and 5 = Strongly agree.


What is the state of cultural/organizational readiness for quality improvement?

There is an awareness that quality improvement is a key focus area in the organization. In fact, there is a shared psychological state in which stakeholders in the organization feel committed to identifying and leveraging opportunities for change, and are confident in the organizations collective ability to do so. While there is readiness for quality improvement, this readiness is not high since the personnel are unlikely to initiate change, but as likely to exhibit greater persistence in applying change and cooperative behavior. In addition, the management shows support for quality improvement by providing resources that support such activities. This includes actively identifying skills and organizational gaps through using tools like Magnate Hospital checklist and the Health Foundation checklist. Besides that, the organization applies effective communication strategies that support, inspire, implement and maintain quality improvement Organizational Culture Assessment Tool Discussion Paper.

Is the organizational culture present for quality improvement?

The organization presents a culture that exemplifies positive traits that lead to better outcomes, improved performance and higher satisfaction. This positive culture places great emphasis on personnel engagement, celebrating teamwork, adaptability, integrity and respect. In addition, the culture inspires loyalty, creates purpose and enables the stakeholders to communicate collaboratively. These qualities are unique to the organization and are defined by the stakeholders who include the personnel. In fact, the organization culture presents a shared way of behaving, feeling and thinking at the organization, and this is a driving force for change and helps in supporting quality improvement initiatives. While the organizational culture supports quality improvement, there is concern that bureaucracy may hinder quality improvement efforts. That is because bureaucracy imparts a lack of flexibility and leads to inefficiency. This is seen when facing bureaucracy delays occasioned by the complicated set of rules and long delays when bringing about change. Furthermore, the personnel are subjected to many fragmented directives from the management and are forced to devise work-arounds to cope with the ineffective systems for solving problems Organizational Culture Assessment Tool Discussion Paper.

What leadership strategies are present in the organization to support quality improvement, positive patient experiences, and healthcare quality?        

There is an awareness that leadership is necessary for setting and achieving quality improvement goals. It does this through three strategies. First, creating a culture that supports problem solving and innovation. A committee of different professions accepts and reviews quality improvement ideas from the personnel and other stakeholders. The committee identifies what the priorities are for improvement and involves individuals to contribute to the improvements to the limit they can without setting them up to fail. Second, the organization acknowledges that bureaucracy presents a concern that limits quality improvement efforts, and has begun building supportive management structures and aligning systems to support improvement. Third, personnel are equipped with the skills and methods to reach quality improvement goals.


The results of the organizational culture reveals agreement and neutrality with the 16 statements presented. In addition, the results reveal shared psychological readiness for quality improvement as there is a commitment to identifying and leveraging change opportunities. There is high confidence level in the collective ability of the organization in its readiness for quality improvement to identifying gaps, using established tools and applying effective communication strategies. Besides that, the organizational culture is present for quality improvement as it exemplifies positive traits that lead to better outcomes, improved performance and higher satisfaction. Further, leadership strategies are present that support quality improvement, positive patient experiences and health care quality, to include a culture that supports problem solving and innovation, and acknowledging that bureaucracy presents a concern by limiting change efforts, and personnel are equipped with the skills and methods to reach quality improvement goals Organizational Culture Assessment Tool Discussion Paper.


Kassem, R., & Ajmal, M. M. (Eds.) (2019). Organizational Culture and Achieving Business Excellence: Emerging Research and Opportunities. IGI Global.

Van Huy, N., Thu, N. T. H., Anh, N. L. T., Au, N. T. H., Phuong, N. T., Cham, P. D., Minh, P. D. (2020). The validation of organisational culture assessment instrument in healthcare setting: results from a cross-sectional study in Vietnam. BMC Public Health, 20, Article number 316.

Please evaluate each statement below writing number on Scale 1 – 5, thinking about your organization.  Answer with 1 = Strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, and 5 = strongly agree Organizational Culture Assessment Tool Discussion Paper.


1.       I am at ease and comfortable when I’m around others at work – regardless of their title, position, or stature.  
2.       We evaluate the quality of the decisions we make internally.  
3.       Work is shared based not on who “owns it,” but rather on who is in the best position to get it done.  
4.       I can be my whole self while at work and don’t have to pretend to be someone I’m not.  
5.       I am given autonomy in my job.  
6.       We remove ‘silos’ and ‘boundaries’ at work; we aren’t territorial.  
7.       If a process, procedure, approach is not working, we can correct it with ease.  
8.       Everyone here is clear on what drives our success as an organization.  
9.       We use tools and platforms internally to help us collaborate and communicate more effectively.  
10.   The internal tools and technologies we use in My Company are as good, if not better than the ones our competitors use.  
11.   We welcome comments from others even if they disagree with us.  
12.   We push past the “we’ve always done it that way” objection.  
13.   We are evaluated on the core values that are important to our success.  
14.   We care about making our community a better place to live.  
15.   I get to exercise my creativity at work.  
16.   People know what other departments need from them and share the right information at the right time.  

Organizational Culture Assessment Tool Discussion Paper

Organizational culture is the shared way of thinking or feeling in a given organization. This culture creates the dynamic for a willingness to change and/or improve. For example, if an organizational culture is one in which change is welcomed to improve and all voices are encouraged to be shared, the implementation of a quality improvement initiative will likely be accepted and supported. However, if an organizational culture is one in which the acknowledgement of mistakes are penalized and only leadership voices are respected, the implementation of a quality improvement initiative may be met with hesitation and skepticism. For this Assignment, you will consider the impact of cultural and organizational readiness as it relates to the implementation of quality improvement initiatives. You will consider the leadership strategies needed to support these measures and complete an Organizational Culture Assessment Tool. To Prepare: Review the Learning Resources regarding the implementation of quality improvement initiatives. Consider what stakeholders must be present to implement these initiatives, and reflect on the leadership strategies needed for success in promoting quality improvement initiatives in healthcare organizations and nursing practice. Select a healthcare organization or nursing practice (with which you are familiar) to complete the Organizational Culture Assessment Tool. The Assignment: (2–3 pages) Complete the Organizational Culture Assessment Tool for the healthcare organization or nursing practice you selected. Then, address the following: What is the state of cultural/organizational readiness for quality improvement? Is the organizational culture present for quality improvement? What leadership strategies are present in the organization to support quality improvement, positive patient experiences, and healthcare quality? Organizational Culture Assessment Tool Discussion Paper