Osteoporosis Treatment. Case Study Analytical

Being that the patient is 60 years old, she is past menopause. Menopause is a time when women lose their bone density very fast. This leaves them at risk of developing osteoporosis within 5 years of reaching menopause. The best advice after bone density tests is to encourage the patient to take up care for the prevention of extension of her bone loss.Osteoporosis Treatment. Case Study Analytical

When the bone density of a woman gets low, it is appropriate to start treatment to avoid any further risks that the situation may cause later in life (Moen and Keam, 2011). At the age of 60, treating the woman is a convenient move and that leaves her with little risk exposure for bone fractures. It is important to encourage the onset for treatment instead of waiting for her years to advance.

Such a patient needs encouragement and enlightening about the commonality of suffering hip fractures in old age. It is a good time for introducing the woman to the necessity of having adequate calcium in her diet (Banu, Varela and Fernandes, 2012).

Since her T-scores show osteoporosis, it is necessary to let her know that it simply means that the tests she went through showed her bone mass. T-scores give indications about the variations of one’s bone mass through averaging it against the bone mass of a healthy person. Testing bone density is relevant just like any other biologic test.


The average score determines the level of a healthy person’s bone density. The testing of osteoporosis shows in a T-score point of deviation from normal mean for bone density. That helps in doing a mathematical calculation for the determination of the degree of deviation of bone mass from the mean of normal bone density.Osteoporosis Treatment. Case Study Analytical

The results that a bone mass density test provides is the extent of deviation from the mean and that is referred to as the T-score. When the T-scores deviate from the mean, to a point below -2.5, it means that there is a loss of bone mass. In her case, the woman is already in post menopause and there is a need for treatment or else, there could be risk of developing secondary bone loss conditions as well as risking fractures.

Since one of the main risk factors of having, untreated osteoporosis is suffering hip fractures. She will need to use medications with calcium supplements to help her in the reduction of bone mass loss and for strengthening her bones. It is advisable to take them at night to allow for effective absorption and they are effective for those whose intestinal absorption of calcium is efficient.

Oestrogens are also effective for woman past menopause like the patient in this case. Their administration requires some care to avoid chances of developing other complications such as breast cancer. Some of the medications used in the treatment of osteoporosis are such as Conjugated equine oestrogen, oestradiol valerate (Progynova) and piperazine oestrone sulphate.

The available medications support patients differentlywith the main responsibility being the reduction of fractures (Laliberté, Perreault, Jouini, Shea and Lalonde, 2011).There are injections, which help in the minimization of pain. For example, Strontium ranelate is a compound currently used in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis in places such as Australia.

It helps in the reduction of cases of vertebral fractures. After commencement of therapy, it is important for a patient to ensure that she is consistent with medication for the management of bone loss. This also requires timed density measurement, so that any cases of declines can be effectively intervened upon (Sanford and McCormack, 2011).Osteoporosis Treatment. Case Study Analytical


Banu, J., Varela, E. & Fernandes, G. (2012). Alternative therapies for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Nutrition Reviews, 70(1), 22-40. doi:10.1111/j.17534887.2011.00451.x

Laliberté, M., Perreault, S., Jouini, G., Shea, B. & Lalonde, L. (2011). Effectiveness of interventions to improve the detection and treatment of osteoporosis in primary care settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Osteoporosis International: A Journal Established As Result Of Cooperation Between The European Foundation For Osteoporosis And The National Osteoporosis Foundation Of The USA, 22(11), 2743 2768. doi:10.1007/s00198-011-1557-6

Moen, M., D. & Keam, S., J. (2011). Denosumab: A Review of its Use in the Treatment of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis. Drugs & Aging, 28(1), 63-82. Web.

Sanford, M. & McCormack, P., L. (2011). Eldecalcitol: A Review of its Use in the Treatment of Osteoporosis… [corrected] [published erratum appears in DRUGS 2012; 71(18):2309]. Drugs, 71(13), 1755-1770. Web.Osteoporosis Treatment. Case Study Analytical