Outcome Management In Healthcare Essay

This paper will present a discussion on the outcome management strategies for the improvement of healthcare in our local practice, hospital or even in our country. The outcome management is a strategic approach for making sure that the initiatives has been designed around government and departmental outcomes and that the projected outcomes have been achieved. Outcome management is different from project management in a way that the project management is about the management of processes which are necessary for delivering a product or service within a pre-determined time and cost; however, the outcome management deals with the processes which are required for realizing the benefits of each initiative. Outcome Management In Healthcare Essay

In this paper, we will be discussing how to bring a practice change in clinical setting by applying the outcome management strategy for guiding the overall planning, implementation and the evaluation. On the other hand, we have to provide with a plan of action about the proposed implementation, evaluation and maintenance of the changed practice.


Continuous improvement in the healthcare quality needs that the management of the hospital should first know how to manage care outcomes and processes. The quality instruments of healthcare are developed with the care and precision which is taken for granted in other industries. There are new technologies which have recently emerged to improve the quality of healthcare.


The outcomes in the healthcare are the result of particular services and interventions in the health care. These outcomes can be measured at a number of levels; such as the community, system and individual. When the data from the outcomes is collected and analyzed properly, they may become the helpful in assessing the quality, effectiveness and value of the health care services. They may also be useful for comparing the costs and benefits of various approaches of treatment. They outcomes include a number of aspects of health care, which involves the clinical cost, quality, access, effectiveness, resource use and the patient satisfaction. Outcomes may be as much different as the questions regarding the health care services; therefore, the particular outcomes in which one is interested depend on the issues they want to address (Brook, 1996). Outcome Management In Healthcare Essay

Practice Change in Healthcare Setting

For establishing a system of successful outcome management in the healthcare setting, one needs to acquire the approach which supports the management of the outcomes in a proper way. To achieve this goal, a structured assessment strategy should be adopted and implemented in the system of healthcare setting to make the communication between the people quick. This structured assessment would be helpful for establishing the system which would be capable of directly informing the whole organization about all the interventions and services to be performed. Hence, this tool is useful for communicating the shared vision of the organization within the internal system (Buffum, 1996). Outcome Management In Healthcare Essay