Paper on Managed Health Care Assignment

  1. How does managed health care control the health cost?

Managed care refers to the systems and techniques used to control the rendering of health services. It encompasses the process of organizing doctors, hospitals and other health stakeholders into groups in order to enhance the quality of the health care (Kerry and Pam 22). This organization ensures there is transparency in utilization of health funds and resources. In addition, in managed care patients’ charges are set to avoid exploitation by health facilities and they also employ their own staff to avoid doctors being paid by patients which made them exaggerate charges hence saving health cost.Paper on Managed Health Care Assignment

  • a) What is organizational integration?

Organizational integration refers to the collaboration among health care service providers and payer groups. The World Health Organization defines it as the organization and management of health services to enable health accessibility in efficient means and in a cost friendly manner (Stone et al 43). Insurance firms form integration with the health facilities to provide quality services to the people. In such integration, patients get insured by their employees and they can pay for their hospital bills through the insurance cover. Integration minimizes the stages and difficulties that a patient experiences while seeking medical attention. The collaboration forms a new structure which is much solid than individual components when it comes to handling of tasks.Paper on Managed Health Care Assignment


  • What is the purpose of the organization integration?

The main purpose of organization integration is to promote health safety and prioritizing the quality of the health care delivery systems. A coordinated health care system spawns efficiency and equality in resource allocation reducing costs and ensuring that the systems are financially sustainable (Stone et al 22). With the presence of adequate finances and technology, organization integration provides a link that can channel the resources efficiently from the government to the people. Integration helps in providing joint services by two interrelated health professions such as ante-natal and child health clinics.

  • How the long term care financial aspect impact the quality of patient care?

Long-term financial aspect provides for adequate planning for future events to avoid adverse health outcomes in the republic. This implies that the government finances health researches and influence more scholars to focus on health related matters in order to predict the future. This ensures that the republic is prepared to tackle future health problems. Similarly, long-term financing enables the health organizations to purchase drugs in advance to avoid any chance of future shortage. Also, long term financing aids patients who are poor and cannot afford to access quality health care centers due to financial constraints. Finally, long term financing helps the government to save on its future expenditure reducing the probability of a national deficit. Paper on Managed Health Care Assignment

  • Discuss the preventive and therapeutic aspects of long-term care

Preventive adverse health care events result to a major financial relief to the government, health providers, insurer and the family of the patient. The United States uses the highest amount of its GDP to finance the general public’s health (Kerry and Pam 30). Therefore, long-term solutions can help to reduce the high expenditure dedicated to health care. On the other hand, therapeutic aspects refer to creating a comfortable atmosphere to the patients suffering from chronic diseases. This can help them feel relatively important in the society and they can be as productive as anybody else. Therapeutic education has decreased the number of admitted patients because they are encouraged and mentored to engage in activities that helps them and the community.Paper on Managed Health Care Assignment