Patient Assessment Interview For Substance Abuse

Task Description:

Students will critique (not describe) a videoed substance-use interview (resource provided on the Moodle site in the folder entitled ‘Assessment 1’).
Students will view and then critique the interview in the video on the following elements using the literature (references):
• The interviewer’s initial contact with the person experiencing a substance-use disorder (the ‘interviewee’);
• The level of rapport and respect the interviewer shows to the interviewee;
• The interviewer’s assessment of the interviewee’s readiness to change;
• The interviewer’s identification of impact of substance use on the interviewee’s health; Patient Assessment Interview For Substance Abuse
• The interviewer’s identification of impact of substance use on the interviewee’s lifestyle;
• The interviewer’s identification of other stressors the interviewee may be experiencing;
• The interviewer’s level of overall engagement with the interviewee;
• The way in which the interviewer concluded (ended) the interview.