Patient Teaching Plan: The Type 2 Diabetes


Many citizens of the United States suffer from many modifiable risk conditions which can be prevented by taking several precautions. Those conditions include the type 2 diabetes which is a disease which is caused by the insulin deficiency in the body. It can either be as a result of the body not responding to the effects of the insulin in the body. Additionally, the situation can be as a result of the failure of insulin production in the body. This condition increases the level of sugar in the blood thereby resulting in type two diabetes. As compared to the type one which mostly affects the older generation, the type two condition also affects the younger people including children. Moreover, the most important modifiable risk factor associated with the risk involves the diet management. This means that the type two diabetic condition is mostly associated with the increase in the amount of fat in the body.Patient Teaching Plan: The Type 2 Diabetes The accumulation of fat cases the increase in body weight of the individuals, therefore, resulting in the diabetic two conditions. It is therefore worth noting that this condition can be prevented by practicing healthy eating habits and also engaging the body in regular exercises thereby regulating the weight of the body. The purpose of this paper is to discuss a diabetic two disease which is a modifiable condition and thus developing a patient teaching plan based on the individual features of the patient.Patient Teaching Plan: The Type 2 Diabetes


The preventable disease overviews  

The type 2 diabetes is a condition which is caused by the insulin deficiency in the body. The insulin plays an essential role in the body of regulating the amount of sugar in the blood. This condition can either be as a result of the body not responding to the effects of the insulin in the body. Additionally, the situation can be as a result of the failure of insulin production in the body. This condition increases the level of sugar in the blood thereby resulting in type two diabetic condition. This condition is characterized by many body symptoms which include a constant feeling of fatigue due to the increased sugar in the blood and also the increase in the weight of the body. Additionally, some of the individuals develop a blurred vision where the person involved is unable to see apparently due to the increased blood sugar resulting to the increased amount of fluid in the eyes (“Type 2 diabetes – Diagnosis and treatment – Mayo Clinic”, 2018). Moreover, the condition is also characterized by the increase in thirst feeling and also the increase in the frequency of urination. This is because the body is unable to water in the digestive system thereby resulting in thirst and frequent urination. Also, the condition also uses much energy from the cells thereby leading to increased hunger feeling by the affected individuals.

Among the risk factors related to the condition includes the lack of exercise, the family history where the individual has a family history of this condition. Additionally, the condition is also most familiar with the people who are 45 years and above. The type two diabetes can result in other body condition which includes nephropathy, neuropathy, the disease of the blood vessels and also the damage of the eyes. It is worth noting that this condition has several diagnostic methods which are aimed at determining the level of sugar in the blood. These test methods include the random blood test which involves comparing the amount of blood in the blood when compared with the number of moles.Patient Teaching Plan: The Type 2 Diabetes Other test methods include the glycated hemoglobin test which helps to show the average amount of the sugar I the blood. This method involves determining the amount of the blood sugar which is attached to the hemoglobin. It is, therefore, a useful method which can be used to determine the amount of the sugar in the body. Moreover, another method involves the measurement of the tolerance of the sugar taken orally, therefore, determining the level of the blood sugar. Furthermore, other physical conditions can be used to determine whether an individual has the condition. This includes determining the rate of increase in the body weight, which can be as a result of the condition. Therefore, it is worth noting that the increase in the body weight in the participant is a good indication to show that an individual is at the risk of getting the disease. Additionally, it is worth noting that the family history can be a significant determinant of this condition.

The evidence-based intervention  

The effective intervention involves an effective eating habit practices. This is because the disease is managed efficiently by healthy eating practices which result in better management of the body weight. Additionally, avoiding too much uptake of fat in the body helps in reducing the cases of overweight thereby resulting in effective management of the body weight. The effective intervention in controlling the weight of the body involves proper dieting practices which include ensuring the diet has enough vitamins. This can be achieved by ensuring that the diet has plenty of fruits which are the primary source of vitamins. Additionally, drinking plenty of water also play a significant role in preventing the type two diabetes. Additionally, regulating the amount of the proteins taken in the body and ensuring that the levels are within the required portion helps in preventing the condition. Additionally, regular exercises play an important role in preventing this condition (“Home: Chamberlain Library: Home,” 2018). This is because regular exercises help in breaking down the level of fat in the body, therefore, resulting in manageable body weight.Patient Teaching Plan: The Type 2 Diabetes


The Implementation

To effectively teach the participants, I will include all the initiatives which are meant to prevent the cases which can lead to the prevention of type two diabetic condition. This includes the management of smoking and also effective diet management. Smoking has been proven to increase the chances of developing the condition (Edelman, S. V., & Henry, R. R. 2011). Therefore, managing of smoking can significantly reduce the chances of preventing the condition. For effective management of smoking, participants are encouraged to thoroughly avoid smoking or else use medications which help in reducing the addiction to smoking. Additionally, the diet management also helps in controlling the condition. This will help the participants to achieve their goals of avoiding smoking. Additionally, effective management of smoking can be achieved by avoiding interaction with the people who smoke.

The evaluation  

For the practical evaluation to determine whether the interventions are effective. The management of weight among the participants would be evaluated periodically to determine whether there is weight reduction among the participants (“Type 2 diabetes – Diagnosis and treatment – Mayo Clinic”, 2018). Additionally, the management of smoking can be evaluated by determining whether the participants have quitted smoking. In the case where the plans fail to work, other medical interventions can be implemented to control the conditions.Patient Teaching Plan: The Type 2 Diabetes


Since many citizens of the United States suffer from many modifiable risk conditions which can be prevented by taking several precautions, there is a necessity to develop individual patient teaching plans for people at risk. It has been identified that these conditions can be prevented by putting in place effective measure. These include management of body weight and also the management of smoking. The type two diabetic condition can, therefore, be managed efficiently through the use of modifiable risk factors.Patient Teaching Plan: The Type 2 Diabetes