Philosophic Challenges for Health Care Leaders

What ethical and philosophic challenges exist for health care leaders working to create a strong collaborative external community? Explain.
HCA 822 Topic 8 DQ 1
What trends or issues will present the greatest challenge to sustaining a strong culture and community in health care in the future? Why?
HCA 822 Topic 8 DQ 2
Consider the research design and methodology expressed in Chapter 3 of the Clay comb dissertation. Would a similar design and methodology be suitable for your intended dissertation study? Why or why not?Philosophic Challenges for Health Care Leaders
You must proofread your paper. But do not strictly rely on your computer’s spell-checker and grammar-checker; failure to do so indicates a lack of effort on your part and you can expect your grade to suffer accordingly. Papers with numerous misspelled words and grammatical mistakes will be penalized. Read over your paper – in silence and then aloud – before handing it in and make corrections as necessary. Often it is advantageous to have a friend proofread your paper for obvious errors. Handwritten corrections are preferable to uncorrected mistakes.
Use a standard 10 to 12 point (10 to 12 characters per inch) typeface. Smaller or compressed type and papers with small margins or single-spacing are hard to read. It is better to let your essay run over the recommended number of pages than to try to compress it into fewer pages.


Likewise, large type, large margins, large indentations, triple-spacing, increased leading (space between lines), increased kerning (space between letters), and any other such attempts at “padding” to increase the length of a paper are unacceptable, wasteful of trees, and will not fool your professor.

The paper must be neatly formatted, double-spaced with a one-inch margin on the top, bottom, and sides of each page. When submitting hard copy, be sure to use white paper and print out using dark ink. If it is hard to read your essay, it will also be hard to follow your argument.Philosophic Challenges for Health Care Leaders

I use worked in healthcare over thirteen years both since new scare nurse as an informal innovator and as an appointed administrator. Throughout this procedure I have skilled many different feelings towards my personal managers and experienced a number of different types of management designs as related to our recent management strategy learning. A prior class text message book classification states Philosophy looks at the size of things and aims to give you the meaning from the nursing phenomena.Philosophies are definitely the broadest in scope and supply a broad understanding (Blaise & Hayes 2002 p. 98). Combining a definite leadership theory with my own personal nursing beliefs engages a higher level of understanding about personal concepts and ideas of my earlier experiences as well as the possibility intended for growth like a leader. Peter Drucker’s theory in regards to involving the entire corporation in preparing and creating the managing process has been implemented for quite some time at my current employment, to feature weekly staff meetings with open conversations and an anonymous drop box pertaining to problems or ideas to end up being shared with upper management. All of us also give one-hundred dollar bonus to the employee who have presents a new idea or perhaps plan as well as the hospital firm agrees to work with it. This form of staff participation in leadership by Peter Drucker was used to advise the heads of General Motor, Sears, Basic Electric, T. R. Elegance and APPLE, among many others.

Quite often Drucker offered his management advice to nonprofits just like the American Reddish Cross and the Salvation Military. Drucker’s theory in the medical care setting stimulates individual autonomy and embraces the ideal of leaders not being born but can ought to be taught and encouraged to work with their best decision for every unique situation. Drucker is quoted as stating Leadership can be something medical but offers artistic appearance.Philosophic Challenges for Health Care Leaders

Artistic expression is definitely individualized and when an organization promotes this style of the member’s the results can in turn offered broader alternatives and chance for growth. This form of effort of many distinct unique perspective and particular skills are imperative in today’s health care system because specifically layed out by the American Nurses Association (ANA) recognition of the expertise of others within just and outside the profession, and referral to prospects other companies when appropriate (2003, l. 8) The increasing competitive nature of health care and ever changing technology and change produce it crucial for a medical organization to work together together for the betterment of the patient results and a hospital’s long term viability. Personal Growth as being a Nurse Head With review of my personal encounters in my breastfeeding career, I will now see the obvious managing transitions that took place in the facility My spouse and i worked for. When I first started working, My spouse and i basically seemed a warm body just there to perform certain duties at peak times and felt of no real benefit to genuine hospital’s general revenue or perhaps outcome.

Seeking back at the management design from that time, I experienced no real structure or perhaps individual importance toward the end result of the clinic I proved helpful for. A healthcare facility was a nonprofit, government owned or operated facility as well as the resulting managing style is definitely related to the Laissez-faire leadership form. With this hands off (Finkleman, p6) type of management comes a great deficiency of feeling of security or capability to grow and find out as a nurse.

Three yr after operating there a fresh company bought out each of our hospital and lots of extreme changes happened. Computer system charting came in, new managers, new guidelines, new requirements and many people left due to these changes. Not because we were holding bad improvements but since they simply did not want to simply accept change.Philosophic Challenges for Health Care Leaders

With these adjustments emerged a brand new management technique that follow the Drucker philosophy of stimulating staff participation, goal setting and leadership learning with in a healthcare facility. I will never forget the first time a healthcare facility administrator arrived up to myself, shook me and simply asked how anything on my nursing jobs unit was going. Merely had any problems or concerns. This form of managing encouraged specialist growth and self-esteem.

I actually became even more familiar with small skills including intravenous access, medications, gear and standard patient engagement, I started to find myself more interested in the ability of health care and learning. Challenges and learning became my own journey and led me to a administration position in the emergency place department. We grew like a person and as a health professional.


I learned so many things regarding health care and genuinely looked after my colleagues. Their insight was important and helped us produce new procedures and devices to give each of our patients better care. I learned typically about me and who also I wanted to be as a person and an innovator or case to various other nurses. We became very confident following ten years in this department and enjoyed the teamwork on this area and wanted to manage to do more with this kind of invaluable attained knowledge.Philosophic Challenges for Health Care Leaders

My spouse and i came to an understanding of a nurse’s ability to offer their points of views and past experiences to aid other care for the patients. In conclusion, together with the educational advancements and experience I hope to carry on to learn the right way to be an effective leader. I would really like to see our organization encourage several the psychological intelligence theory philosophy into our practice to encourage stronger associations between most staff. Mentioned previously in (Finkelman, 2011 l 10), emotional intelligent leadership is key to a working environment that nurtures its staff and encourages them to perform their best with enthusiasm, subsequently this takes care of in superior business overall performance. In my opinion that all people inherently want to be recognized for what they do and need confident reinforcement.

With future leadership roles I hope to incorporate both of these leadership theories of including the employees inside the organizations plans, group problem solving and building good market leaders along with stronger mental relationships created on reassurance and great reinforcement to supply an open confident learning environment with good inter employee relationships.Philosophic Challenges for Health Care Leaders