Planning The Health Education Program

Addiction of the drug is harmful; it affects the quality of life. Addiction of marijuana is found commonly among the youth. There is a need of efforts to make people aware of the harmful effects of drugs. It is hazardous. The intake of marijuana is known to be common among young adults; the warranting efforts are required for increasing awareness about its unsafe effects and transforming attitudes. Drug is taken mostly by the students of high schools, there are many reasons behind the addiction of drug like the role of media, emotional disturbances, stress, failures and so on (Schroth, Helfer, Cunat & Stephen, 2011).Planning The Health Education Program


Marijuana, regardless of statements to the opposite, can be an extremely drug for addiction. Entrance to facilities of treatment for addiction has two times more for addiction of marijuana in current years. The strength of the drug keeps on increasing and researches have made known that individuals below the age of 21 years can get marijuana without any trouble as compared to alcohol. Yet persons, who have made supplementary drugs for addiction, for instance cocaine or heroin, will time and again say that “pot” is their most important remedy of preference when inquired.


Educators of health encourage well being and vigorous styles for living. Taking up a broad variety of concerns, these recruits instruct every individual and community regarding the attitudes that promote and support the fit and energetic life and put off ailments and further health-related concerns. The themes they envelop, and the ways techniques they apply, rely on the place they are working and the persons they teach.Planning The Health Education Program

People and Places

Generally the health educators work in facilities of health care, private businesses, schools, non-profit organizations and departments of public health. In clinics, hospitals and other settings of health care, educators of health usually work heart-to-heart with patient and his family. These educators could completely describe diagnosis of a patient and the investigative trials, surgical procedures, and further processes that can be needed. Also, they might instruct the patients regarding changes in style of living that are essential to deal with the illness or help in getting better. Additionally, functioning with clients, educators of health can arrange instructive courses for communities in the facilities of health care.

School-based educators of health execute their responsibility initially with the learners. In academies and colleges, they usually take up the issues that put an effect on young adults, for instance nutrition, sexual action and smoking. Educators of health may call for altering the methods of teaching to catch the attention of addressees to their happenings. For instance, they might demonstrate famous movies and afterward chat about the issues related to health addressed, or they may arrange practices in a dining hall or dorm. Also, educators of health hire and teach students to work as companion instructors and give advice to other students in arrangements of event.Planning The Health Education Program