Practice Nurse Consultation Sample

This case study aims to identify, evaluate and analyze the consultation and physical examination in a clinical setting. It includes a thorough discussion of history taking between the patient and the nursing staff. It enhances the facilitation of a mutual agreement with agreed plan of action. The case study is subjected to illustrate the experience of an individual who agreed on participation based on the consultation Consent in accordance with Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC, 2008). Complying with the Nursing Midwifery Council, this case study owes to confidentiality that would be maintained throughout the paper. The set up used in this case study is a walk-in clinic. A practice nurse will clinically evaluate a patient with the manifestations of shortness of breath.Practice Nurse Consultation Sample

The history taking practice will review the importance of obtaining detailed information about the presenting complain of the patient. It will also focus on the aggravating factors of Shortness of breath and the elements that will lead to treatment and relief. Relevant details of personal, family and social history will also be documented. It will include social factors such as smoking, alcoholic intake, occupational health, activities and hobbies. A relationship will be developed between these factors and the differential diagnosis of the patient. The patient selected for the case study is a 69 year old Caucasian male. He has a past medical history if High blood pressure and is managed by treatment with anti-hypertensive drugs.Practice Nurse Consultation Sample


Main Body

When the role of a practice nurse is reviewed, one of the most important factors is the ability to accurately recognize normal findings and differentiate them from any abnormality in the pathological findings such as infection, low/high blood sugar levels, high/low cholesterol levels, etc (Foster, 2010, pp. 29). For the purpose of this case study the patient will be given a fictitious name of John. The first and foremost step is to assess the mental, physical and emotional state of John. This will be done by the practice nurse by developing a consultation plan which aims to diagnosis. This consultation plan will be agreed upon by both John and the practice nurse. Information from John is also vital to practice nurse because it will present as a basis for the diagnosis and treatment of the presenting complain. Frederikson (1995) expressed that the region of 60%-80% medical diagnosis and treatment is concluded and can be made on the foundation of what history taking discloses, without the need of laboratory tests or other investigation. However, the practice nurse disagrees with this statement outlining that laboratory test and diagnostic tools are as important as history revealing and exposing any disease or pathological changes (NCPCE, 2013).Practice Nurse Consultation Sample

Clarke (1999) studies shows the use of models provides a structure and gives a focus to a consultation. Not following a model, a practice nurse may oversee the story telling as critical for diagnostic accuracy and safe practice.Practice Nurse Consultation Sample