Preliminary Patient-Focused Inquiry Paper

In today’s nursing society, nursing research has dramatically expanded worldwide to integrate evidence-based knowledge for nursing practices and in the contemporary healthcare setting. The purpose of this paper was to format a PICO issue, the four components include: population/problem, intervention, comparison and outcome. An analysis of two preliminary peer-reviewed research articles articulate outcomes and recognize the importance in nursing while enrich research terminology.Preliminary Patient-Focused Inquiry Paper

The research articles are quantitative studies in which correlates to the patient focused issue in which are conducted globally to collect data to form other findings, notions, and standpoints. The inquiry issue explored for this paper, “In adult patients, aged 50-70 with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) throughout the world, how does supplemental oxygen compared to lack of physical exercise influence the quality of life?”

Prior to conducting a preliminary search for the academic literature, my understanding of this issue was fairly adequate. COPD is defined as a respiratory disorder, characterised by phlegm, exacerbations, dyspnea and decrease of exercise intolerance. This understanding was prompted third year as a nursing student in Nursing Praxis and Professional Caring IV regarding medical surgical clinical problems. Being attentive during class, the overall lecture was about the essential biomarker of supply of oxygen needed for our bodies. COPD patients have retention difficulty, due to buildup of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream this factor can fluctuate the levels of pH and therefore gradually turnover as ventilation perfusion mismatch. This understanding was shaped by a patient that I was assigned during my clinical rotation at the Cornwall hospital. This patient had a diagnosis of COPD and did not have the stamina to perform physical activity for more than 10 minutes, by cause of hyperinflation. The patient felt exerted. This topic is pertinent to nursing because COPD patients may lack knowledge of how severe the progression may advance when health is not prioritized; however, nurses are able to encourage advantageous interventions to sustain optimize care and convalesce to the quality of life.Preliminary Patient-Focused Inquiry Paper


The registered nurses of Ontario association (RNAO) applies how effective care can be heightened by an individual’s aptitude to manage their chronic condition. The RNAO generated a chronic care model, discussing how self-management support is considered to be a major characteristic to guide individuals of coping with their chronic health condition but also lead to wellness. Nurse will engage patients in daily practices in order for successful clinical and functional outcomes.

A trail conducted eleven patients with COPD and resting normoxemia, walking distance resulted of 391636 metres to 450629 within a six-minute time period. Studied showed that dyspnea levels decrease, exercise endurance elevated, reduction of respiratory rate and hyperinflation dramatically improved the overall health. A publication written by Troosters, Sciurba, Battaglia, Langer, Valluri, Martino, Decramer, (2010) conducted research of how physical inactivity in COPD patients have a higher demand to be readmitted to the hospital, therefore leading to an increase in mortality rate. In a preliminary search of the academic literature, two peer-reviewed evidenced based articles were recognized using the search terms “Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease”, “supplemental oxygen”, “oxygen therapy”, “physical inactivity”, “exercise” and “quality of life. ” Both academic literatures were located under the Laurentian University database, advance search under ProQuest nursing and allied health source. The databases helped obtain two peer-reviewed articles using the search terms and publication date range from 2008 to 2018.

The first selected article was “Oxygen Therapy for Patients with COPD by Stoller et. al, (2010). The rationale for selecting this article revealed a greater performance outcome through supplemental oxygen in patients who struggle with COPD. Oxygen therapy can be administered when levels of partial pressure of oxygen in inspired air arises. Nurses are able to administer up to six liters of oxygen per minute without a physician order. Evidence has indicated that 50 patients with COPD, the effect of supplemental oxygen notably improved respiratory and health related quality of life along with reducing anxiety and depression. Further justified, supplemental oxygen has proven to lower deoxyhemoglobin and sustain function of the cerebral through excretion. In fact, due to the placement of the diaphragm, high intensity of workload of exercise prevent delay in respiratory muscle burnout.Preliminary Patient-Focused Inquiry Paper

The second selected article was “Physical inactivity in patients with COPD, a controlled multi-center pilot-study” by Troosters et. al. (2010). The rationale for selecting this article supported reasoning to the reduction in physical activity which supported my inquiry issue. This study conducted a comparison between steps that were counted and the walking time in patients with mild to severe COPD, thus steps counted were 40 to 60% or lesser whereas walking time were 55% or lower. Stoller et. al, (2010) several trails disclosed how long-term and short-term use of supplemental oxygen can be expanded in survival rates in COPD patients aged 60-72. In addition, data was collected to discover enrolment of COPD patients with severe hypoxemia at rest, moderate hypoxemia and during physical activity. Figures were compared with mortality and nocturnal desaturation. Trooster et al. , (2010) pilot study was to investigate levels of physical activities in patient aged 60 to 75 with diseases stages comparing to levels of physical activity with healthy, age-matched control subjects from different regions worldwide.

These two peer-reviewed articles are non-nurse journals, less information was discussed based on my injury issues. However, the selected research articles explained more validated studies with evident knowledge using statistics, graphics and comparison of other factors.

In conclusion, reading two of my selected two articles my assumptions about this issue is supported. COPD patients how effective wellbeing and quality of life of a COPD can significantly change.Preliminary Patient-Focused Inquiry Paper