Problem Of Acnevulgaris Among Young Adults

“I will keep the lamp of knowledge burning to achieve the vision” A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Health is very important for every individual, and it is also very important to maintain and restore normal healthy life. Healthy human body contributes to maintain normal mental & physical activity, whereas illness refers to any deviation of the normal physical and mental health. Health and illness are two phases of life through which every individual come across at any Period of life. Illness can occur through many factors such as biological, psychological and environmental factors which may affect any system of body. The largest organ system of the body is skin. Our Skin forms a barrier between the internal organs and the external environment and also participates in many vital body functions. Skin-related disorders account for up to 10% of all ambulatory patient visits in the country. The skin mirrors the general condition of the individual. Acne is one of the dermatological disorders.Problem Of Acnevulgaris Among Young Adults


Acne vulgaris is a common follicular disorder affecting susceptible hair follicles, most commonly found on the face, neck and upper trunk. It is nothing but a disorder involving sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Acne vulgaris is the result of clogging of sebaceous glands leading to the formation of pimples and cysts. Acne vulgaris is the most commonly encountered skin condition in adolescents and young adults between ages of 12 and 35 years. Both genders are affected equally, onset is slightly earlier for girls. Acnevulgaris becomes more marked at puberty and during adolescence because the endocrine glands that influence the secretion of the sebaceous glands are functioning at peak activity. During puberty, androgens stimulate the sebaceous glands, due to that it secrete a natural oil, named sebum, which flows out into the skin surface through skin cells, blocks the follicles which results in oil also being blocked. When these hair follicles are blocked development of skin bacteria known as propioni bacterium acnes within the follicles which in turn results called Acne.

Acnevulgaris which is one of the most common problems in adolescent teens affecting nearly seven teen million people in India and approximately 16 million in other countries. The term adolescence comes from Latin word “adolescere” means “to grow” or “to grow to maturity”. It refers to mental, emotional and social maturity as well as physical maturity. The years between 13-19 years. Adolescence is a period of curative madness in which every teenager has to remake his personality to free himself / herself from childhood ties, from parents and establish a new identity. Apart from emotional and psychological independence an adolescent has to deal with the ongoing physical and sexual change in the body. Approximately, one third of all female adolescents experience an increase in papules or pustules in the week preceding menstrual cycle. Although Acnevulgaris is self-limiting, it is a source of persistent embarrassment, disgust and stress for the adolescent. Research has shown that genetic also plays an important role in Acne Vulgaris. Aside from scarring, its main effects are psychological such as reduced self – esteem, depression or suicide.

Acnevulgaris usually appears during adolescence, when people already tend to the most socially insecure. Early and aggressive treatment is therefore advocated. They may drop out of schools and social activities, and even avoid facing people sometimes, because they feel Acnevulgaris has disfigured them. Thus, acne vulgaris can stunt a child’s professional and social growth also. It affects more than 85% of teenagers to a varying degree. Video assisted teaching provides a big avenue for research on innovative methods of creating awareness among the adolescents on Acnevulgaris. It helps in bringing out the positive changes in the knowledge of adolescents on Acnevulgaris and improves their self-esteem by taking precautionary measures in their day to day life.Problem Of Acnevulgaris Among Young Adults

Need for study

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. ~Victor Frankl.

Adolescence is a period of “Storm and Stress” and strain and strife. Adolescents are aged between 13-19 years and they account for more than one-fifth of world’s population (i. e. , 1-2 billion). In India, this age group forms 21. 4% of the total population. According to the RGCC, Government of India, about one-fifth of India’s population is the adolescent age-group. Therefore it can be considered as one huge segment of the total population which needs attention. Adolescence is a fragile period in an individual life. Unfortunately, that’s when Acnevulgaris attacks, and are most conscious of their looks, Acnevulgaris can be traumatic for them. Though a natural phenomenon in adolescence, Acnevulgaris is not just obnoxious pimples, it is something that can hurt the skin and the spirit. Acnevulgaris affects more than 85% of teenagers. Popular lay magazines, newspapers, and teenage internet chat rooms, the blame for unsightly pimples has been placed on everything from lack of sleep, eating too much chocolate, or dirty face, drinking enough water. This one is really popular in locker rooms. Only about 8% to 30% of adolescents ever seek professional medical attention for their Acnevulgaris, says Alster. According to Stanford University survey of 103 females, shows 91% believes that Acnevulgaris is worsened by poor hygiene. 88% says increased stress triggered Acnevulgaris outbreaks and 85% said that “Popping Pimples” makes Acnevulgaris worse. According to Malaysian study, on the impact of quality of life among 409 samples, was found that both women and men find the effects of acnevulgaris on appearance to be, most bother some aspect of their disease.Problem Of Acnevulgaris Among Young Adults


Upto 5. 6% with moderate acnevulgaris may have pre-existing suicidal ideation. Indians appear to accept Acnevulgaris more readily and its impact on quality of life in our population is of lower magnitude. One of the major bodily changes that is agonizing for adolescents is Acnevulgaris. Acnevulgaris 80% of girls and 90% of boys during adolescence often have significant emotional reactions to it. About 1/3rd of teens with Acnevulgaris they feel embarrassed or anxious or have low self – esteem due to their complexion, almost all worry about their skin. Acnevulgaris is a common disorder in English adolescents and appears to have a considerable impact on emotional health in this age group. The prevalence of acnevulgaris varies between sexes and age groups, appearing earlier in females than in males reflecting the earlier onset of puberty. There is a greater severity of Acnevulgaris in males than in females which is compatible with androgens being a potent stimulus to sebum secretion. Acne vulgaris commonly shows a premenstrual increase in women. Seasonal variability in Acnevulgaris, with the colder months associated with exacerbation and the warmer showing improvement. A community-based study of Acnevulgaris in adolescence in Singapore believed that hormonal factors, diet and hygiene were important factors in causing Acnevulgaris. Video assisted teaching is an effective instructional method using advanced technology in its applications. It is a technique which creates interest in the learners with its 3 dimensional audio and visual effects in the learner. According to a report published in the February 2015 issue of the Archive of dermatology teen who read or watch a presentation about Acnevulgaris quickly learn the facts about this condition, and the information sticks with them for a long time. Both the audio visual presentation proved to be effective teaching tools.

Researchers hope that by teaching teens, they will be more likely to stick with their Acnevulgaris treatment, which will ultimately improves their self-esteem, and emotional stability. Hence, the investigator got interested in finding out the effectiveness of video assisted teaching among adolescents on Acnevulgaris.Problem Of Acnevulgaris Among Young Adults