Professional Role Of A Mentor Research Paper

The integrated process is facilitated that during practice every pre registered student of nursing and midwifery up on placement should be supervised by a mentor (NMC, n.d.). It will be the responsibility of the mentor to decide in case the student has accomplished the standards that are necessary in a safe, proficient and effectual way while practicing. The experience of the student can be majorly affected by the actions and suggestion of their mentor who is responsible and answerable to the supervising, organizing, assessing and monitoring in the learning environment. Students in practice are supported by their mentor regarding integration of their settings of practice and establishment of working relationship that is effective in the team of inter professionals, which is initially necessary for the student as at the initial stage they are experiencing anxiety, stress and vulnerability feelings. These feelings can influence their learning activities in their initial placement or in worst cases the students might even drop out in their training of pre registration (Gray M, Smith LN, 1999, pp.639-647; Pearcey PA, EUiott BE., 2004, pp.382-387).Professional Role Of A Mentor Research Paper


Facilitate Learning

According to qualitative study conducted by Gray and Smith (Gray M, Smith LN, pp.639-647) in the first year students are faced by emotions that are an amalgamation of various emotions before the initial placement it varies from trepidation and fear to anticipation and excitement in the recent studies of research it is still proved that the students of today witness the same feelings (Chesser-SmythPA., 2005, pp. 320-327; Christiansen A, BeU A., 2010, pp. 803-810) even though students with the background of healthcare experience are more confident as compared to others and they may be very keen in proving their abilities (Chesser-SmythPA., 2005, pp. 320-327).Professional Role Of A Mentor Research Paper

It was identified that the students who work with mentor at initial stage of their placement; they develop a bond (Sharpies K, KeUy D, Elcock, 2007, pp. 44-47). The same notation was supported by in other studies as well, where the emphasis was that students prefer to work with their mentor in the beginning sessions (Gray M, Smith LN, 1999, pp.639-647). When the time is set aside for orientation, it is also noticed that absence of a mentor that the time of starting practice can cause problems to a student of fitting and belonging in the practice settings (Higgins A, McCarthy M., 2005, pp.218-224). A mentor who is supportive in the role will welcome the receptive welcome along with a positive impact; it would be the responsibility of the mentor to enhance the confidence and self-esteem improving the learning and motivation. If the mentor is prepared to offer support to the student from the first day during the allowing time of socialisation and induction, the student would prove out to be a valuable addition to the team (Ousey K., 2009, p. 175-184). Professional Role Of A Mentor Research Paper