Public Health Assignment Example Paper

The purpose of this study is to expand the boundaries of the author’s knowledge by exploring some relevant facts related to Type 2 diabetes and role of public health promotion in UK. Type 2 Diabetes also called adult-onset, late-onset, or non-insulin-dependent diabetes, is a chronic health condition in which one’s body does not adequately make or use insulin, resulting in high blood sugar levels. With reference to social determinants of health, current problem linked to the prevalence of Type 2 diabetes nationwide is diabetes self-management. Diabetes mellitus is a condition characterized by a relative insulin deficiency resulting in an abnormal fuel-hormone response, especially when challenged by the ingestion of food. This abnormal fuel-hormone response involves decreased storage and utilization of fuels and results in elevated blood levels of glucose, free fatty acids, and ketones. Diabetes results from a deficiency in the insulin-secretory mechanism of the beta cells of the pancreas, a faulty insulin receptor site on the cell surfaces of liver, adipose, and muscle tissue, and/or a metabolic defect in the cell itself (Polan, 2007, pp. 23-29).Public Health Assignment Example Paper


There are two basic types of diabetes, insulin dependent and noninsulin dependent. Insulin-dependent diabetics are usually under 20 years of age at the onset of the disease and constitute less than 10% of the diabetic population. Their symptoms at the onset of diabetes are acute, coming speedily to a crisis: Metabolic ketoacidosis and insulin reactions are frequent, insulin production is decreased, the potential for developing maximal sports performance capacity is reduced, and hyperglycemia usually results from the marked reductions in glucose storage and utilization. “Noninsulin-dependent diabetics, however, are generally over 40 years of age at the onset of diabetes; they are overweight and constitute more than 90% of all diabetics. Most have a family history of diabetes, the appearance of their symptoms is slow, they show a delayed insulin response to eating a meal, and hyperglycemia often results owing to the failure of the liver to retain glucose and to a small impairment in glucose oxidation” (Nathan, 2001, pp. 827-926).

In the next section, the author will develop a comprehensive understanding of public health and health promotion issues. The author will also examine the risk factors associated with Type 2 Diabetes, the role of social determinants of health and its impact on Type 2 Diabetes. Finally the author will identify preventive measures to reduce the impact of Type Diabetes.Public Health Assignment Example Paper

Discussion & Analysis

Public Health & Health Promotion

Health is a large and significant area of concern during every stage of life. “Those with Type 2 Diabetes face a greater risk for secondary and chronic conditions, preventable complications, and premature death. In addition, they tend to have poorer and riskier health habits, and they have less access to appropriate health care, early disease identification or preventive screening, or health promotion activities” (Mittelmark, 2001, p. 269-274). Public Health Assignment Example Paper