Pulse Rate Assignment Essay

Cardiovascular Fitness

Cardiovascular Fitness is related to the health the most essential organ of the human body known as heart. Also, it has wider base of fitness to blood and other blood vessels. Cardio is another word used for heart and vascular represents bloodstream and vessels. Of all the parts of human body, this part is one of the best for assisting doctors in analyzing true health of their patients. Cardiovascular health helps one look excellent because the workouts a person do to sustain his or her fitness helps in maintaining a healthy weight and create an excellent body outlook. Having good cardiovascular health improves vitality and can be dynamic for longer periods without stressful or becoming out of breathing.Pulse Rate Assignment Essay

An individual needs to enhance the heart muscular tissue and increase the other components of the cardiovascular system in order to have good health. Someone who workouts on a regular basis will have stronger heart muscular tissue than those who is not incline towards exercising daily. Researches indicate that dynamic individuals have less heart problems and are less likely to have strokes than inactive individuals. Some the signs of heart problems can start to create when individuals are in their teenagers. For this reason, it is important to create and sustain cardiovascular fitness early in life.


The heart system and system of blood vessels works together with the respiratory system that pumps air in lungs. As air is breathed in, the system picks up oxygen from the breathing. The system carries the fresh air to the heart. The heart then pushes the blood into the arteries and on to the muscular tissue and other tissue. Muscles need oxygen to keep operating. Waste products are given off by the significant muscular tissue and are then removed by the system. The veins return the system containing harmful toxins back to the heart. The heart pushes this returning system to the breathing where harmful toxins are exchanged for more oxygen, and the process begins all over again.Pulse Rate Assignment Essay

The heart is a muscular tissue and like other muscular tissues that gets stronger through the right kind of exercise. It acts as a pump to supply system to the significant muscular tissue. A resting heartbeat is taken when an individual is still. Someone who exercises regularly may have a relaxing heartbeat of 55 or 60 surpasses per minute. On the contrary, people who do not exercise on a regular basis may have a relaxing amount of 70 or more surpasses a minute. The heart of a fit person with a relaxing amount of 50 surpasses nine million times less each year than an average person’s heart with a relaxing heartbeat of 70. The heart of the active individual pushes more system with fewer surpasses, which means it is operating more efficiently.Pulse Rate Assignment Essay