Reflection Of Quality And Safety Education For Nurses

Running head: REFLECTION 6 – QUALITY AND SAFETY EDUCATION FOR NURSES Reflection 6 – Quality and Safety Education for Nurses Name Institution 1 REFLECTION 6 – QUALITY AND SAFETY EDUCATION FOR NURSES 2 Reflection 6 – Quality and Safety Education for Nurses A Comprehensive Plan of Care for a Diabetic Patient During my practicum period, I practiced in Bradenton, Florida, which is a Skilled Nursing Facility. The majority of the clients I served had diabetes due to the disease’s prevalence in the region. Based on the patients’ assessment, most of them were elderly aging 65 years and above Reflection Of Quality And Safety Education For Nurses .


They also experienced other chronic conditions such as obesity and hypertension. Besides, most of them came from one community, which is an implication that the residents in the region are vulnerable to diabetes. Referrals to other Human Service and Social Support Agencies The patients were referred to various agencies, which include the American Diabetic Association (ADA) and the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists (ADCES) (American Diabetes Association, 2017). Some of the human services providers where the patients were referred to, within the agency include nutritionists, physical therapists, and pharmacists. In this case, the nutritionists provided education to the patients on the food they were supposed to take. Since the patients’ health conditions were mostly brought about by lifestyle behavior, the nutritionists advised them to change their eating behavior Reflection Of Quality And Safety Education For Nurses