Reflection On Nursing Placement Discussion Paper


This is a reflection that will focus on applying the pathophysiology, knowledge, and work ethics during the nursing placement. It will also represent the strategies for personal development. It will be followed by Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle, which is important for evaluating and understanding the situations (Sekarwinahyu et al. 2019). This method is vital for professional as well as for personal growth.


While I was placed in the Neurological ward during the first year of my nursing, I came across a patient who was having a neurological disorder. We were here to provide the services to the patients that had been admitted because of central nervous system disorder (Epilepsy)Reflection On Nursing Placement Discussion Paper. When the patient arrived at the ward, we went through the descriptions and notes concerning the patient’s symptoms and behaviour. The description was highlighted with some of the significant symptoms such as patients having some of the behavioral problems, language and communication were difficult. The reflection will focus on how the other nurses and I overcame the language and communication difficulties and showed support and care to cope with the unusual behavior. The nurse came to the patient bay; she observed the unusual behavior and the patient having dizziness. The nurse asked the patient about the queries such as a change in mood and behavior and its duration and what the patient was doing at the time of seizure. The patient was very aggressive, and he started throwing some of the equipment lying there. However, the nurses assisted the patient to calm and comfort. The nurse was communicating calmly to calm down the patient. The nurse was making the patient turn on one side of the bed as the patient had a seizure, and the nurse had put the bandage. The patient was turned on one side so that he could breathe efficiently.

Nursing care is the most vital thing that a nurse can provide to the patients. Before the patient arrived at the neurological ward, I observed that the nurse was engaged in some of the management activities with the other nurse members. She was engaged with the staffing process, scheduling and she was directing other members on how to overcome the communication barriers with the patients. As I was there for the past three months and I was under the training of registered nurses in neurological wards. I was struggling with anxiety and stress because of observing such patients with unusual behaviour, and it was not easy to calm down such patients. Moreover, I was amazed when the nurse came to me, and she cleared me all the situations and conditions concerning such patients and how to deal with these patients who have unusual behaviour. The nurse trained me how to clean the seizure wounds and also trained me how to be aware of every situation and how we can communicate effectively with patients. I was feeling elated as a nurse has helped me how to deal with any kind of situation, be it stress and anxiety and how to avoid some of the unusual behavior of some patients. After explaining all these activities, the nurse moved forward to handle the distress caused by the service user, and I was surprised to observe all the management activities carried out smoothly by the nurse. This has created or developed some insight into how to take care of patients and the management of the other nursing activities Reflection On Nursing Placement Discussion Paper.


I had experienced some of the good and some of the bad elements during my placement in the neurological ward. This has helped in understanding how to deal with the patients having seizure and unusual behavior as role of nurse practitioner with the neurology team. My role in the neurology ward is to observe the physical examination and to evaluate some of the services that the patient requires. I have also been assigned with to do diagnostic test and to provide support and care to patients who cannot communicate effectively. I feel that I have carried responsibilities only in dealing with the patients for maintain good communication but did not fulfill responsibility in diagnostic tests completely. The diagnostic test take much of time and it has created sometimes stress. One another thing that I did not fulfill was that sharing information before any of condition with the team members. The role of caring and support to patient has made me good care giver as I tried my best in providing each and every care to the patient (Liu 2019)Reflection On Nursing Placement Discussion Paper. I have learnt more about the how to remain calm while dealing with patients. I have observed that I have learned more of the professional values how the leader nurse was able to manage the team efficiently and my mentor has arranged the things so well that the patient and the other team members feel relaxed. A good team provides support to every of the team members, and in my case, it did so well; team members had supported me in handling both the patients, the patient with minor injury and the patient with epilepsy. The ethics rules are vital for  nursing, and every profession has some of the ethical rules to be followed. Some ethical codes are to be followed, and these are morally accepted. Kind nature is one of the vital ethical codes of conduct, and this will bring out in helping patients with several health care results.

According to Ünalp (2020), Epilepsy is a neurological disorder in which patients some of the changes in behavior, changes in eating and sleeping habits are observed (Unalp 2020). The main aim of the treatment of seizures is to provide repeated medical examinations and to improve the quality of life (Cross 2018). The epilepsy disorder has degraded the quality of life, and for the family members of the patients, it is not easy to believe the patient with such distress. Few nursing approaches need to be implemented to make aware of Epilepsy (Williams et al. 2021). Patients with Epilepsy suffer through different problems such as communication problems, memory loss and showing unusual behavior. Moreover, the day to day communication with patients along with the family members with help in coping with difficulties and it will also develop verbal and nonverbal communication (Sánchez-Polo et al. 2019)Reflection On Nursing Placement Discussion Paper. Therefore, the medical professional makes eye contact with patients so that they can identify actual problems. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has provided guidelines for handling patients with Epilepsy and their related medications (Pershad et al. 2018). The most common problems when dealing with the patient is accessing health care and some learning disabilities. This will help provide effective treatment to the patients. Good communication will help in understanding the condition (van Belle et al. 2020). The individual need of the patients is taken care by one nurse that will help in taking consideration about the individual need, the patient will also be comfortable in speaking with the same nurse (Simpson 2020). Compassion is the great value that make quality markers of the health care workers. Other of the ethical values such as courage, commitment and compassion, these should be well followed by the nurses in delivering services. The delivery services should be kept at the top (Brito-Pons et al. 2018)Reflection On Nursing Placement Discussion Paper.



I have experienced that Nurses are more committed towards their patients. I am now more mindful of being more assertive and in developing some of the professional practices in health care systems. I have learned a lot of approaches in the nursing sector that has provided good health care. The management or dealing with different patients has resulted in handling critical thinking and in personal development. Good communication with patients and nurses will help in understanding the self-evaluation. Professional development in nurses is obtained through regular practices and training, and it supports the enhancement of a career in nursing. Self-reflection usually supports the nurses on training to get the knowledge to assess the different situations in nursing and how to behave as per the condition. An ethical code of conduct is essential, and it supports maintaining a good quality of care in a health care system. A strong work relationship with all the team members increases the levels of group cohesiveness.


In future, I will address the best approaches in order to provide good quality of services, and the priorities of the patients need to be put on top. I will focus on being more proactive while handling the patients and in the management of the team. I aim at the consistency and confidence of the medical profession (Pershad et al. 2018). The integrity in nursing can be regulated by focusing on good communication with team members and treating them with respect. These plans will help in gaining a positive work lifestyle in nursing (Ruiz-Fernández et al. 2020). A few of the principles and values that are decided by the Nursing department concerning the need of individuals are: To provide moral values and ethical values to the patients with dignity and respect. The positive work planning can be done with the assistance of the different team members, and it will help in developing a work style and lifestyle (Ramanathan et al. 2020) Reflection On Nursing Placement Discussion Paper