Reflection On The Doctor Of Nursing Practice Example Paper

Part 1: Goals and Objective

Goals Type Timeline Strategies Evaluation
Complete DNP education program Short-term 1-2 years Enroll for and complete DNP education program DNP program graduation certificate.
Obtain DNP certification Short-term 1-2 years Meet certification and licensure requirements. DNP certification and licensure to practice.
Improve communication and networking skills Short-term 1-2 years Engage in networking activities and seek out mentors.


An expanded professional network with more out of state professional contacts.
Change career position and become a manager. Medium-term 3-5 years Get employment in a DNP position. Work as a DNP.
Strengthen professional portfolio with new activities and projects. Medium-term 3-5 years Engage in nursing projects and research activities. Publish and present research and projects.
Build personal brand as an expert Medium-term 3-5 years Find niche and build expertise while consistently engaging in forums that position me as an expert. Reflection On The Doctor Of Nursing Practice Example Paper Prominence as an expert within the workplace.
Pivot nursing career into advocacy Long-term 6-10 years Engage in policy development with legislative bodies and interest groups. Staff position as nursing expert in policy development.
Complete PhD program in nursing specialty. Long-term 6-10 years Enroll for and complete PhD program. Get PhD certificate.
Become a thought leader in nursing and advance nursing knowledge and practice Long-term 6-10 years Engage in research activities and publish nursing literature. Nursing publications that successfully pass through peer review processes.


Part 2: Reflection on the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

History and purpose of the DNP

DNP is a terminal degree in nursing. It prepared nurses for the highest level of clinical practice within the nursing profession. The DNP model was presented by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) in 2004 as a consensus on a master’s level nursing education that meet the clinical practice needs to include health care leadership trends. The development DNP model was galvanized by the awareness that the previous master’s in nursing models were not standardized as they were proposed by many organizations so that there was no unifying voice. AACN become the unifying voice that presented DNP as a standardized master’s in nursing education model (Armstrong & Sables-Baus, 2019)Reflection On The Doctor Of Nursing Practice Example Paper.

Current state of the DNP

DNP is the standardized master’ in nursing education model. In fact, it is the minimum preparation level for advanced nursing practice. Across the USA, there was 357 DNP programs being offered in different education institutions. In addition, there are 106 new programs being reviewed to be approved. Besides that, there are 60 post-baccalaureate programs and 46 post-master’s programs in different stages of planning to match the DNP model (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2020)Reflection On The Doctor Of Nursing Practice Example Paper.


Future state of the DNP

Since it was first presented in 2004, DNP is being offered in more and more education institution over time. The rapid increase in the number of DNP programs is an indication that it is a consensus model that brings about consistency in nursing education. Also, this shows that the stakeholders agree that it is beneficial model for the level of education as it adequately prepared nurses for clinical practice needs. The other models do not adequately prepare nurses to meet clinical teaching and expert clinician needs, but DNP model adequately prepares them to meet these needs. This shows that DNP is widely accepted and continues to grow with more programs being offered as it meets the needs of nurses (Gillespie, 2021)Reflection On The Doctor Of Nursing Practice Example Paper.

How DNP-prepared APNs will assist with transformative healthcare and help solve complex health problems

DNP model prepares nurses to meet the professional practice needs, especially clinical practice and teaching needs. It applies an immersive teaching approach that has the learners spending at least 1,000 hours in clinical practice in the congruent role to gain experience. The clinical practice experience is meaningful in enabling nurses to acquire the skills and knowledge to undertake management tasks, particularly in leading and managing change. Besides that, it enables nurses to create professional practice networks in academic, practice and community. These networks allow nurses to have meaningful, structured collaborations with other stakeholders (medical personnel, communities and government) to ensure that health care changes occur in a transformative and sustainable manner (Stewart & DeNisco, 2019)Reflection On The Doctor Of Nursing Practice Example Paper.

Advantages of having the DNP (thoughts on why the degree would be appropriate for your career path)

A DNP offers two advantages. The first advantage is an increase in career prospects and opportunities. It allows nurses to specialize and take on more advanced responsibilities. In fact, a DNP graduate can have independent practice and take on leadership positions in scientific practice and research roles. The second advantage is that it increases the knowledge levels of nurses, and enables them to meet emerging practice needs. Nursing science and practice is every evolving, and DNP model allows nurses to meet the changing nursing needs, such as gaining informatics capabilities. The third advantage is that it ensures that nurses are able to match other professions, especially physicians. It presents nurses with the education credentials that makes them comparable to physicians, thus allowing them to lead and contribute in multidisciplinary care teams (Joel, 2022)Reflection On The Doctor Of Nursing Practice Example Paper.


American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2020, October). DNP Fact Sheet.

Armstrong, G., & Sables-Baus, S. (Eds.) (2019). Leadership and Systems Improvement for the DNP. Springer Publishing Company.

Gillespie, D. (Ed.) (2021). The Many Roles of the Registered Nurse. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Joel, L. A. (2022). Advanced Practice Nursing: Essentials for Role Development (5th ed.). F. A. Davis Company.

Stewart, J. G., & DeNisco, S. M. (Eds.) (2019). Role Development for the Nurse Practitioner (2nd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Reflection On The Doctor Of Nursing Practice Example Paper