Relationship Between Height & Lifespan Paper

The issue regarding the relationship between height and lifespan has been widely discussed and debated in the academic literature. Many people would agree that being tall certainly provides many advantages to individuals in their daily life activities. In fact, individuals of high stature are stronger and more enduring than individuals of short stature. Moreover, they are better fighters, especially in sports. Many people believe that height is considered to be an indicator of good nutritional health. However, recent studies on the relationship between height and lifespan show that short men are likely to live longer. The advocates of these opposite views tend to highlight the significance of the relationship between height and human longevity. Researchers state that short men carry more “longevity gene” in their body than tall people (Willcox et al. 2). Similar studies performed by other scientists, including Samara and Storms, also provide much evidence that short men tend to enjoy a longer lifespan. Researchers place emphasis on the role of nutrition, diet, health conditions and other factors that may influence the increased mortality rate among tall men. Thesis statement: There is a close relationship between height and lifespan that can be explained by a number of factors, such as fasting insulin level, the longevity genotype, nutrition, diet, health conditions and other factors.Relationship Between Height & Lifespan Paper


To start with, the relationship between height and lifespan is explained by certain health conditions. In recent study, researchers Samaras and Storms explored the impact of height and weight on lifespan of individuals. Researchers analyzed 373 men data and found out that men of 175.3 cm or less lived an average of 4.95 years longer than those of height over 175.3 cm (Samaras & Storms 3). In another recent research study, scientists took their investigation into a new level by introducing the “longevity gene” F0X03 that can be found in human body. Researchers conducted an observational study, which involved “8,003 American men of Japanese ancestry from the Honolulu Heart Program/Honolulu-Asia Aging Study (HHP/HAAS), a genetically and culturally homogeneous cohort followed for over 40 years” (Willcox et al. 2). They used a Cox regression model to estimate the effects of baseline height on mortality rate during 40 years of follow-up. Researchers found that individuals of short stature on average contain more “longevity gene” than individuals of high stature (Willcox et al. 3). This fact means that the so-called longevity gene can protect individuals of short stature from the effects of ageing process. Although it is very difficult to believe that some type of gene can have a strong impact on the process of aging in individuals, there is an obvious relationship between certain genetic variants and human longevity (Willcox et al. 3).Relationship Between Height & Lifespan Paper

In addition, it is necessary to consider the role of other factors that may contribute to understanding the relationship between height and lifespan. According to another researcher Adam Withnall, nutrition affects the relationship between height and human longevity. The researcher refers to other studies on this issue, stating that “short men are more likely to have lower blood insulin levels and less likely to get cancer” (Withnall 1). Besides, it is necessary to take into consideration the impact of obesity on human health. Lower blood insulin levels point out to the fact that many individual of short stature have no symptoms of diabetes caused largely by obesity (Withnall 1).

Furthermore, the secret of a long lifespan has generated an intense interest among many people across the world. There is much important information on this issue in the mass media sources and the scientific literature. Actually, scientists, researchers and physicians show that there are many different factors that could affect the relationship between height and lifespan discussed in the study conducted by Bradley Willcox and his colleagues. For example, it is necessary to consider the effects of different life styles and daily routine practices that could also be significant factors contributing to a long lifespan.

Hence, there is a need for conducting more in-depth studies to find out the real causes of the long lifespan of individuals. According to the life span theory, the human maximum life span is about 120 years. So, researchers should be more persistent in their scientific investigations, considering both internal and external factors that may affect human longevity, placing emphasis on the existing relationship between height and lifespan. The future research should look at the effects of environmental factors and the work of genes on the individual’s development, health, aging and, finally, lifespan.Relationship Between Height & Lifespan Paper



Thus, it is necessary to conclude that any individual wishes to enjoy a long lifespan. Height only makes up a part of the longevity profile. It is not the only factor that can have a strong impact on human longevity. Staying healthy for anyone means maintaining both a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet. Undoubtedly, these two factors are considered to be the most important factors that influence human longevity. At the same time, it is necessary to consider recent research findings that place emphasis on the external factors, such as fasting insulin level and the longevity genotype, related to the height of an individual. In general, no matter how tall an individual is, he/ or she can still live a healthy lifestyle, eating healthy food, doing regular physical exercises, avoiding alcohol consumption, smoking, drug use and stressful situations.

Work Cited

Withnall, Adam. “Short men are likely to live longer because they carry the ‘longevity gene’, scientists reveal.” Independent. Independent. 12 May 2014. Web. 3 October 2015.

Willcox, Bradley. Qimei, He.  Morris, Brian. Grove, John. Petrovitch, Helen. Ross, Webster. “Shorter Men Live Longer: Association of Height with Longevity and FOXO3 Genotype in American Men of Japanese Ancestry.” PLOS. One. 7 May 2014.  Web.3 October 2015.

Samara,T.T. Storms, L.H. “Impact of Height and Weight on Lifespan”. US National Institutes of Health. Web. 3 October 2015.Relationship Between Height & Lifespan Paper