Renfrey Memorial Hospital Example Paper

Human resource management (HRM) plays a crucial role in the success of any organisation. The study focuses on the specific management practices and theories that pertain to the health care industry that is the Renfrey Memorial Hospital. Human resource or human capital as it is widely called in today’s world, is the most important assets of any organisation. The growth and success of any organisation depends upon its human resource. How a company manages it, human resource determines its future success. It is next to impossible for companies like Renfrey Memorial Hospital to achieve its set goals without valuing its quality human resources. A highly motivated workforce can increase the productivity of the business as motivation has a direct impact on the performance of employees. In this paper, the study is specifically looking at the HRM strategies focusing on, training, labour turnover and employee retention and operational, human resource planning. But before selecting any company for the analysis of its HR policies and practices, it would be worthwhile to briefly discuss the main functions human resource personnel or department.Renfrey Memorial Hospital Example Paper


Background of Renfrey Memorial Hospital

The hospital named Renfrey Memorial Hospital is a 200 bed regional hospital located in the Midwest. The hospital maintains the 24 hour emergency department in the area, as well as an extended hours urgent care clinic. The hospital is encountering a problem with nursing staff retention. Sixty eight percent of the nursing staff is over the age of 45, and facing retirement.

It is found from the survey that revealed many of the nursing staff finds the work too physically demanding and many are feeling physically exhausted and report emotional burn out as well. Several of the survey respondents report they are stressed to the breaking point caring for aging parents in addition to working at Renfrey.Renfrey Memorial Hospital Example Paper

Thus, the hospital has seen an exodus of nurses. The hospital has been forced to use temporary pool nurses from an agency. This has driven up personnel costs and also resulted in decreased rankings on patient satisfaction surveys. Moreover, the nursing shortage is making it difficult to recruit replacement nurses for the staff who plans on retiring within the next couple of years. Renfrey Memorial Hospital faces significant staffing challenges ahead as it grapples with these issues and the hospital board is very concerned; for that reason, the employment practices at the Renfrey Memorial Hospital should be effective and effective


Training and development remains an important human resource (HR) practice of interest to researchers, managers, governments, and employees. Training research is of substantial interest, and reviews show its enormous and continued growth. Training is of major interest to practitioners and managers in order to update employee skills, improve job performance and productivity, and develop the competencies employees need to meet the strategic objectives of their organizations.Renfrey Memorial Hospital Example Paper