Research Studies On The Mental Health Essay Paper

The covid-19 crisis has increased the concern regarding the mental health of the population across the globe, especially relating to the psychological impacts. This pandemic imposes threats, impediments, and obstacles to the mental and physical health, the situations to which the population across the world is being exposed to, and are causing stress. Different research studies have shown the symptoms such as, depression, stress, and anxiety in the different nation’s population, including the university students. Therefore, this research paper purposes to discuss about the “psychological impact (stress, anxiety and depression) of E- learning on undergraduate nursing students in Saudi universities in time of COVID-19” Research Studies On The Mental Health Essay Paper.


The research study by Moy & Ng, (2021) determined the relationship of factors with the status of mental health, which includes depression, stress, and anxiety among Malaysia’s universities students. Their findings suggests that the university students’ mental status was highly affected during covid-19 contagion. This necessitates to disseminate credible and timely information, so as to prevent any negative perception towards the covid-19.

The research by Marwa et al. (2020) assessed the anxiety level of college students relating to the method of distance learning during the period of the covid-19. They assessed the extent of anxiety of the total 149 students studying in Almaarefa University, and the outcomes of their study suggested that the highest degree of anxiety was found to be the moderate anxiety that was followed by normal, severe, and mild levels. Further, students used adaptive surviving strategies such as cooking, exercise and sports, and watching movies and shows, at the times of the pandemic. On the other hand, the authors García-González et al. (2021) analyzed the state-characteristic anxiety levels of the nursing students because of the e-Learning at the times of 2 covid-19 confinement periods. They found that most of the nursing students of the University of Almería (Spain) and the University of Lorca (Murcia), were adversely emotionally affected by the high state-characteristic anxiety during the covid-19 period.

The researchers Almaleki, (2021) focused on the particular kind of behavior’s inconsistency patterns that the students experienced during the time of school. The grades of some students were highly affected due to the depression. The researcher assessed the readiness and awareness of some high school teachers of Saudi Arabia to identify, respond, and understand the ways students may respond to the testing conditions with depression. The findings suggest that the teachers learn from their experience to use indirect and direct ways to find out the students facing depression; use test taking strategies and test preparation to assist the students to lessen depression; and engage parents for the additional help where the strategies of teacher are not enough Research Studies On The Mental Health Essay Paper.

The research paper by AlAteeq, Aljhani & AlEesa, (2020) found that there exists a correlation between the high degree of stress and the female students of the university. An addition of the programs of stress management and online counselling would assist to prevent the stress of students during the distance learning. On the other hand, the research paper by Alshammari et al. (2022) found that most of the health science students showed anxiety levels that was displayed in a gender-based way. They found females students showed more anxiety levels than males, and anxiety risk increased in the first to third year students in comparison to the fourth to sixth year participants.

Assessment Of Anxiety And Stress Levels Of College Students During The Pandemic

The researchers Fawaz & Samaha, (2020) found that learning through the online platforms have increased anxiety disorders and depression among the undergraduate university students because of the stressful work load. Likewise, the authors Demetriou, Keramioti & Hadjicharalambous, (2021) found statistically positive correlations between the distance learning, stress, employment and the students’ anxiety levels.

The Authors Hapsari Found That Students Have Gone Through Higher Degree Of Anxiety During Initial Phase Of The Distance Learning A Year After Distance Learning was implemented, the students had found to be well accustomed and the degree of anxiety they faced was lessened. Still, the technical issues, such as malfunction of devices and unstable internet connection that took place distance learning, created much more anxiety levels among the students, as the continuing situation made them to lose the great opportunity of receiving some key information as well as likelihoods to participate actively in the online activities and enhance their skills set.

The researchers Hoque et al. (2021) found that around 82.5 percent of the undergraduate students, who studied in Bangladesh University are facing mild level to extreme level of anxiety, though around 14.08 percent are facing extreme anxiety level. The top 3 constraints that the students are facing during e-learning are lack of access to the resources of learning, not proper access to the other platforms of e-learning, and alone learning at home. Likewise, the researchers Rutkowska et al. (2021) found increased level of depression as well as stress among the university’s students during e-learning. They found that women were highly affected, particularly in terms of economic and social life Research Studies On The Mental Health Essay Paper.

The authors Gamage & Herath, (2021) found that around 51 percent of the undergraduate graduate students sampled, were psychologically distressed relating to the levels of anxiety; 35 percent were depressed and 20 percent continued to be at 20 percent i.e., at low level. Likewise, the researchers Qanash et al. (2020) also found that the healthcare students studying in the different Saudi Arabia’s universities, experienced high depression and anxiety levels during the covid-19. On contrary, the authors Jegede & Kirkwood, (1994) found that at the end of semester, the students had quite high anxiety level than at the semester’s beginning. In the student’s opinions, the factors such as employment, readiness, time, finance, and study material’s content, significantly affected their distance study.

In contrary to all the finding of the authors discussed above, the researchers Ramos, (2011) found that no any key difference exists between the imitating styles and the perceived degree of stress of the non-conventional graduate students, getting themselves enrolled in on-campus programs and distance-learning.



Therefore, after reviewing different literatures relating to the psychological status of the students due to e-learning at the times of covid-19, it can be concluded that the students across the world have faced and continue to face mild to high levels of depression, stress, and anxiety. It has been analyzed that there were different factors that contributed to such vulnerable situation of the students, such as worst internet connectivity, not having sufficient access to the resources, and alone studying at home, and various other factors.


AlAteeq, D., Aljhani, S., & AlEesa, D. (2020). Perceived stress among students in virtual classrooms during the COVID-19 outbreak in KSA. Journal Of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 15(5), 398-403.

Almaleki, D. A. (2021). Challenges Experienced Use of Distance-Learning by High School Teachers Responses to Students with Depression. International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security, 21(5), 192-198.

Alshammari, T., Alseraye, S., Alqasim, R., Rogowska, A., Alrasheed, N., & Alshammari, M. (2022). Examining anxiety and stress regarding virtual learning in colleges of health sciences: A cross-sectional study in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal.

Demetriou, L., Keramioti, L., & Hadjicharalambous, D. (2021). Examining the relationship between distance learning processes and university students’ anxiety in times of covid19. European Journal Of Social Sciences Studies, 6(2).

Fawaz, M., & Samaha, A. (2020). E?learning: Depression, anxiety, and stress symptomatology among Lebanese university students during COVID?19 quarantine. Nursing Forum, 56(1), 52-57.

Research Studies On The Mental Health Essay Paper