Role of Governments in Public Health Essay

As we have read, governing bodies have always led the way to public health change. I believe that governments should be involved in public health change. The role of governments in public health protection and promotion is crucial as certain provisions guarantee successful implementation of policies aimed at public health change (Griffiths et al., 2005).  Effective public health initiatives should be integrated into the health care system. Due to public health funding, many states have an opportunity to improve health programs, increase the role of health communication through effective public education campaigns.Role of Governments in Public Health Essay

In addition, the role of governments in public health change can be explained by the implementation of universal coverage, which provides all American citizens healthcare coverage. The governments are responsible for public health, and healthcare coverage contributed to public health change. Due to taxation, healthcare insurance, charity and self-payments, serious healthcare issues could be solved by governments (Maurer & Smith, 2012). According to researchers, “existing powers and opportunities can be used as levers to engage local governments” in public health change (Griffiths et al., 2005, p. 41).Role of Governments in Public Health Essay


Moreover, governing bodies influence the effectiveness of public health change through the development of specific healthcare philosophy. In fact, healthcare has become a fundamental human right. All American citizens are aware of the fact that the effectiveness and accessibility of healthcare programs depend on the governmental decisions. Governments should be focused on developing the most profitable healthcare system, in which citizens could use healthcare services based on their ability to pay. This fact means that governments are responsible for availability of healthcare services to every citizen. Due to public health change, it is possible to improve healthcare policies, making healthcare services accessible to every citizen.


Griffiths, S., Thorpe, A. & Wright, J. (2005).Change and Development in Specialist Public Health Practice. Radcliffe Publishing.

Maurer, F. & Smith, C. (2012). Community/Public Health Nursing Practice: Health for Families and Populations. Elsevier Health Sciences.Role of Governments in Public Health Essay