Role Of Health Visitor Example Paper

Role of health visitors includes delivering calculable health outcome for communities and individuals and gives a worthwhile and pleasing work for nurses. They have sympathy and support of groups and families they help out. They play their role to reduce inequalities in society and convey government policies regarding health improvement. They develop new ways of providing selection and challengeable situations that encourage service incorporation, promote self-care, productivity improvement, and local judgment. Healthcare visitors can adjust with dynamic needs and conditions.Role Of Health Visitor Example Paper

In doing so, visiting healthcare service has been transformed into a preventive and fully incorporated service for families and children in a community wellbeing context. There are two basic roles for which health visitor’s knowledge and skills are necessary requirements. That improves the wellbeing and health of communities, children and families. And speak to some of the important public health problems in front of a society. Studies highlight that the array and complication of families and children today, simply means that it is not merely an enquiry of getting better health. Highly qualified and trained teams supervise by a health visitor will guarantee that all families with young children can get efficient and effective health care service. Their main focus is anticipation and young children’s health promotion for families and children because their knowledge and skills can have better influence on it. Healthcare is the services that have connection with families from early stages of pregnancy. It means that children and families require regular and continuous assessment from early pregnancy to first year after birth.


Health visitors have prioritize role in avoidance of societal exclusions in families and children, reduction in differences, handling health situations in smoking, obesity, drugs, alcohol and mishap avoidance. They have prioritized role in mental and psychological health of children and family, enhancement in pregnancy outcomes, economic betterment, child’s development, children protection, protecting violence, improving parental relationship and fathers in parental role.Role Of Health Visitor Example Paper


Healthcare is the services that have connection with families from early stages of pregnancy. It means that children and families require regular and continuous assessment from early pregnancy to first year after birth. Healthcare sector has close contacts with parent especially in pregnancy and till the birth of their child. For this purpose as a health visitors I can play my role in society by acquiring knowledge of psychology, society, and clinical knowledge along with parenting and child development to ensure that families are prepared to practise safely and effectively to such an extent that the protection of their child is assured.

My Roles as a Health Visitors

My role as a health visitors play an important role in healthcare sector; health visitors are well educated and properly trained to evaluate the needs of communities, groups, families, and individuals. To tackle the healthcare problems they utilize their biomedical and psychological expertise and meet families to encourage them to ssure the protection of their child. (DH 2009, p.21)Role Of Health Visitor Example Paper