Self-Esteem Of Adolescents & Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is being normalisation by humans nowadays due to cosmetic surgery had been glamorisation by mass media. But then media have disregarded and have not mentioned about the risk associated with cosmetic surgery. According to the research of a focus group study had mentioned that many adolescent’s girls were dissatisfied with the appearance that makes them want to do cosmetic surgery. However, for body features that can be altered through other means such as exercise, they will consider cosmetic surgery as a last resort. In others meaning was, surgery is a way an easy and quick to solve but it does not solve the potential underlying issue with low self-esteem and confident (Eleni, Helga& Susan, 2014).Self-Esteem Of Adolescents & Cosmetic Surgery


Besides, low self-esteem may cause by the happened event while you grew up that makes you want to cosmetic surgery. Especially been bullying by others. Based on professor Dieter research have shown 11.5% of a victim of bully have the desire to have cosmetic surgery compare with people who uninvolved in bullying due to the psychological effect that brings by bullies and low self-esteem (Bullies and their victims more likely to want plastic surgery, 2017). This is because victim wants to have a surgery to improving their social stated and self-confident.

Furthermore, Ted Cascio had stated before having a surgery can make you happy but just for a period of time as long as you still satisfied with your appearance after the surgery. In addition, he has found a review study that had mentioned if you have a high expectation that may bring after the surgery will do for you, you are likely to be upset and dissatisfaction with the result that you were, to begin with (Cascio, 2014). Moreover, self-esteem in teenager was more effective then children. During the adolescence, self-esteem will continue to decline compared with children. (especially in girls). In children, boys and girls have reported having a similar level of self-esteem but when comes to adolescent, the result of decline is related to the body image or other factor associated with puberty. In consequence, adolescent’s girls with low self-esteem are easily been affected by the perception of the ideal body image through media (McLeod, 2012).Self-Esteem Of Adolescents & Cosmetic Surgery

According to the blog posted by Samantha, half of the percentage of people are affected by social media while deciding for cosmetic surgery. Besides that, celebrities had played an important role in cosmetic surgery. They are the one who highly publishes a story of having a cosmetic surgery and stated that not much risk will be taken. People can be taken out of it, hence adolescent girls who see celebrities as a role model may be following it and their appearance are been a model of perfection in other views (Samantha, 2017). But then having a cosmetic surgery may bring sides effect on the person. The three common effects are infections, allergic reactions and organ failure (Eblin, 2017). Patients may be a success in the surgical procedure but then they are also creating a new problem for themselves.

First, gossip by others. Many people who elect to go for cosmetic surgery believe that the new look of themselves will help them as getting others attention. However, others might view as an abnormality and become the subject of gossip. More importantly, patients may get disappointment and depression after their procedure. As their expectation of the surgery is not been satisfy for themselves, hence they might despair with the outcome. As Hullett have says normally patients have unrealistic expectation on it and become highly disappointed with the outcome that imperfect even if has already improved. Based on Jeffrey Spiegel, a facial plastic surgeon says cosmetic surgeries can be stressful through emotionally and physically because the patient had not expected the recovery time longer than they had planned and not expected may have bruised. In fact, some of the patients of his had mentioned they feel miserable. Therefore, depression stated can be temporary for them but it might be severe (Goudreau, 2011).Self-Esteem Of Adolescents & Cosmetic Surgery


In short, the adolescent should build up their self-esteem and avoid to go for cosmetic surgery. Hence can improve their mental and physical health. By building up self-confident, the adolescent should discover and highlight our strength. Everyone has their own good at something else. For an instant, you may good at sport, art, drawing or even in solving the problem. You may not recognize your own strength for now but the person who always stays by you will be noticed. You can ask for their opinion. Secondly, turn negative feedback into constructive criticism. Rather than accepting negative commentary as truth and let you feel grieves. You should accept it as a challenge, by improving yourself and make it better than before. Hence you are developing a better perception of yourself and learning a new skill (5 Strategies to Overcome Low Self-Esteem, n.d.). Other than that, the media should show the negative and positive effect on cosmetic surgery not often glamorization the good of cosmetic surgery and been disregarded with the negative of the surgery.

Besides, a majority of people who receive cosmetic surgery appear body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). According to a study by Katharine A. Philips, there 7% to 8% have been done cosmetic surgery had BDD and reported that a 200 person with BDD 31% sought, 21% received surgical and started to have BDD symptom continuously (Lifespan, 2010). In other words, BDD is a person preoccupation with one or more perceived defect or flaws in physical appearance that are not observable or slight to others and often perform repetitive behaviour such as mirror checking. As soon they will go for cosmetic or plastic surgery to improve their appearance because they often have seen themselves as ugly. According to DSM-5, people who get BDD because of child neglect and abuse (Association, 2013).Self-Esteem Of Adolescents & Cosmetic Surgery

To treat BDD, people will go for psychotherapy, medication and group and family therapy. In psychotherapy, can be changing the thought (cognitive therapy) and behaviour (behavioural therapy) of the person to aim the goal of changing the belief about the defect of the person. However, group and family therapy are another way to treat BDD.As we know family support is the most basic thing for most of the treatment. Family members need to understand and learn to recognize the symptoms of BDD as to prevent it. Last but not least, using medication such as an antidepressant medication called selective serotine reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or antipsychotic medicines such as olanzapine, aripiprazole, or pimozide either one but need to approve by clinical (Bhandari, 2018). Self-Esteem Of Adolescents & Cosmetic Surgery