Short, Medium and Long term Objectives Essay.



Siemens AG is Europe’s largest engineering conglomerate. Siemens’ international headquarters are located in Berlin and Munich, Germany. The company has three main business sectors: Industry, Energy and Healthcare; with a total of 15 divisions.Short, Medium and Long term Objectives Essay.


Worldwide Siemens and its subsidiaries employ approximately 480,000 people in nearly 190 countries and reported global revenue of 77.327 billion euros as of 2008.Siemens AG is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, and has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange since March 12, 2001. I would like to pursue my career in this organisation at strategic level after complete my Studies. As the personnel development manager of Siemens hereby, I am preparing this report as per the requirement of the management of the organization.Short, Medium and Long term Objectives Essay.

Evaluate the personal and professional skills required to meet both organisational goals and objectives (LO1a).

Professional Skills

As manager of the organisation professional skills to exhibits to achieve goal and objective of organisation are counselling and mentoring to support staff with their own learning and development requirements, coaching skills, multitasking, leadership skills, theories of leadership e.g. Adair model of leadership which “include defining the task, briefing, controlling, evaluating, motivating, organising, and providing the task; leadership styles”, continuing self-development to meet requirements for industry sector.Short, Medium and Long term Objectives Essay.

A) Leadership: Leadership means counselling and mentoring Leaders are to lead and in case of organization managers are to lead the organization, they are the leaders of the organization. For being effective, management should have leadership qualities. They should effectively give orders and see that whether are being obeyed or not. It also helps manager to understanding the strength and weakness of employee to assign him or her with right job to show his effective development and indirectly help organisation to grow.Short, Medium and Long term Objectives Essay.

B) Negotiation skills -The manager should have the negotiating skills. Every organization has unions of workers and they put forward their demands in front of management and if the management denies they go for strike so, the management should have good negotiating skills so that the situation of strike is avoided.Short, Medium and Long term Objectives Essay.

For example – managers should act as mediator between workers and management. He should negotiate between management and workers.

C) Good coordination, Organizing and effective control – Effective manager should have good coordination with the employees and should exercise effective control in the organization. The work should be done effectively so the effective management should have organizing skills so that the work should be done in an effective way.Short, Medium and Long term Objectives Essay.

For example – management should maintain cordial relations between employees and management.

Personal skills

The manager should look for time management, benefits of time management, how to use time effectively, analysing time spent over a period, e.g. day, week, monthly logs; setting objectives, prioritising work tasks, effective delegation of tasks and monitoring, comfort zones, dealing with interruptions to planned work, planning aids, stress management (recognising stress, dealing with stress), problem solving to solve above problem manager can use following methods

– Using conceptual tools

– Identifying own strengths and limitations.

– developing personal networks.

-CPD program (Continuing professional development).

Managers should be tactful. They should know how to handle the situation because to use time effectively and monitoring the tasks. These skills help manager to handle the situation calmly and peacefully. Communication is the way of expressing ideas and messages. Managers should have good communicating skills so, that they can communicate well in the organization and it will help in solving many problems in the organization.Short, Medium and Long term Objectives Essay.

As above said skills are required to do anything effectively same as in the case of achieving organizational goals. The above said qualities are required for achieving the both organizational goals as well as individual goals. Managers are the persons who are responsible for achieving organizational goals and their own individual skills. As the manager should have the above said qualities so that both the goals are achieved.

Using Conceptual tools and methods identify and evaluate more effective ways to pursue learning in the future.Short, Medium and Long term Objectives Essay.

The various process of pursue learning in the future are

Continuing professional development

Clyne(1995)”Systematic process of maintaining, improving, and broadening knowledge and skills and developing the personal skills necessary to perform professional and technical duties throughout a person’s working life ” CPD is used by professional bodies to ensure that their member will remain with up to date regarding new development and trends.Short, Medium and Long term Objectives Essay.

Associative learning

Associative learning is the process by which an element is learned through association with a separate, pre-occurring element. It includes theories like – Operant conditioning, Classical conditioning

Observational learning

The learning process most characteristic of humans is imitation; one’s personal repetition of an observed behaviour, such as a dance. Humans can copy three types of information simultaneously: the demonstrator’s goals, actions and environmental outcomes. Through copying these types of information, (most) infants will tune into their surrounding culture. It includes play and enculturation.Short, Medium and Long term Objectives Essay.

E-Learning -Electronic learning or e-learning is a general term used to refer to Internet -based networked computer-enhanced learning. A specific and always more Diffused e-learning is mobile learning (m-Learning), it uses different mobile telecommunication equipments, such as cellular phones.Short, Medium and Long term Objectives Essay.

Informal learning -Informal learning occurs through the experience of day-to-day situations (for example, one would learn to look ahead while walking because of the danger inherent in not paying attention to where one is going). It is learning from life, during a meal at table with parents, Play, exploring.

Formal learning – Formal learning is learning that takes place within a teacher-student relationship, such as in a school system. It just like leading and chairing meetings is basic process in the company.Short, Medium and Long term Objectives Essay.

The above mentioned skills help me to pursue learning in the future career to meet the requirement of Siemens AG organisation we I am choose to do work after my Adavance professional Development.

Undertake a personal skills audit. This audit should identify a preferred learning style which should be focus on the skills required for effective management and leadership.Short, Medium and Long term Objectives Essay.

Personal Skill Audit

A skills audit is a review of your existing skills against the skills you need both now and in the future. It can help you to identify your existing skills, identify what skills you may need to carry out your existing voluntary work and role more effectively and to plan, develop and improve the skills and knowledge needed for future career. There are a range of skills that are not only significant to learning in higher education and academic achievement but also to your personal development and employability. This skills audit has been designed to help you to identify your strengths, weaknesses and areas for development within various skills areas.Short, Medium and Long term Objectives Essay.

Personal Evidence

Skills Gained


Like to act as manager in Siemens AG

Like to work at strategic management.

Basic IT skills; Communication Skills, strategic skills.

Communication Skills; Negotiation Skills


Planning a trip to New Zealand with all other company staff.

Organisational Skills

Interpersonal Skills; Communication Skills


Seminars/Tutorials: took part in discussions; presented topics to the group; argued my case; prepared original material;

Influencing Skills; Assertiveness; Persuading Others; Research; Planning;

Analysis; Presentation Skills; Communication Skills

Second tool for personal S.W.O.T ANALYSIS:



Learning skills

Positive thinking


Interest on the subject

Team work

Knowledge about professional leadership

Active participation in debate and discussion

Communication skill

Interpersonal skill

Lack of confidence

Lack of specific purpose in presenting something

.Short, Medium and Long term Objectives Essay.




To express the ideology

To debate, To discuss

Chance to know about

international business organizations and people

To achieve professional qualities.

Opportunity to work as strategic position.

To assist the managers in my organization.

Opportunities to look ahead.






Interpersonal skill

Confident in presenting in front of the group of people


Professional writing and presentation skills.

good oral presentation skills

research skills


introvert personality

Emotionally unstable.




Group presentation.

Individual presentation

Chance to know about worlds

Effective Leadership qualities.

Setting objectives.

Interpersonal skills to apply.

Global view.

International opportunities.

Detail personal development plan and with objectives

The personal audit that needs to develop for developing further management & leadership skills are as follows -Short, Medium and Long term Objectives Essay.






1 = very important,

2 = quite important,

3 = not important


I have strategies to help me to plan and manage my time

I am able to effectively prioritise my tasks and activities

I am able to work to deadlines

I am aware of what makes my learning more effective (e.g place to study, time to study etc)


I am able to find a specific book or journal in the library using the on-line catalogue (Talisprism)

I am able to use a variety of different sources to find information

(e.g. journals. books, electronic resources)

I am able to access and search electronic resources (on-line databases, electronic journals CD-ROMs)

I am able to use search gateways on the Internet to find information

I am able to evaluate the information I find


I can decide which parts of a book I need to read

I have a system for recording where I find information (e.g. book, author, date)

I can select and use different reading strategies (e.g. skim, scan, in-depth)

I can make effective notes when reading

I can make effective notes when listening (e.g. during lectures)

I have a system for recording and storing my notes

Skills Area

I Can Do This Well

Ok, But I Need More Practice

I Can’t Do This

Priority Development Of This Skill

1 = Very Important,

2 = Quite Important,

3 = Not Important


I can analyze assignment (essay, report etc) questions to determine what is expected

I understand the difference between an essay and report

I can produce a written plan to answer an assignment question

I can punctuate, use grammar and spelling correctly

I am confident I can express my ideas clearly in written form

I am able to adapt my writing styles to suit the appropriate media/audience

I understand the need to reference my work to avoid plagiarism


I am able to express my views verbally

I am confident speaking in front of a group of people

I can prepare, plan and deliver a presentation

I can use visual aids to support a presentation

I work well as a member of a group or team

I am able to listen to and appreciate the views of others


I am able to use a word processing software package to produce my assignments

I can use a variety of different computer software (e.g. Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access)


I am competent in making simple calculations

I can present numerical information accurately

I can competently use a variety of numerical techniques (e.g. percentages, fractions, decimals)

I can interpret and present information in graphs and illustrations


I am able to plan my revision time

I am able to set myself goals

I am able to use a variety of different revision techniques (e.g. practising questions, mind mapping etc)

I can select and use techniques to help me retain and recall information

I use strategies to help me in the exam room (e.g. planning time, coping with anxiety)


I know what causes stress

I am aware of my personal symptoms of stress

I can use strategies to help me cope with my stress


I am able to identify my personal goals

I am a good judge of what my strengths and areas for development are

I am able to identify opportunities for learning outside my course, e.g. clubs, societies, employment

I am able to plan for my personal development

A personal development plan is a plan to develop and change something. Development is generally done in the case of domestic and organizational frontier but, now development plans are made to develop personality and personal skills which will help in grooming the personality of any individual. Personal development plan is needed when something is to be developed or changed or to highlight any inherent quality of individual or group. It helps from developing management strategies to develop personal skills. This helps in developing personal skills, abilities and grooming the personality.Short, Medium and Long term Objectives Essay.

Short term, medium term and long term objectives –

The personal development plan should emphasize on the following objectives and goals –

a) To develop the inner qualities.

b) To adapt the changing environment.

c) To achieve individual as well as the organizational goals.

d) To take the organization forward in which personal development plays important role.

e) To lead the organization.

Actions to meet these objectives:

Personal development plan should help in achieving these objectives. To meet the above mentioned objectives and goals the personal development plan should emphasize on the following –

The problems related to communication should be removed like hesitation, hammering.Short, Medium and Long term Objectives Essay.

The plan should be helpful from organizational point of view. It should help in achieving organizational goals by keeping in view individualism.

Personality should be groomed.

The skills should be developed.

The leadership qualities should be developed to a certain extent.

Other traits should also be developed.

Target dates for monitoring and review

Monitoring and review are periodic oversight of implementation of plan and includes regular collection and analysis of information for timely decision-making, & provide the basis for evaluation and learning. After implementing the plan or after developing the skills the monitoring should be done to examine that

a) Whether the personal development plan has worked effectively or not?

b) Whether the skills are actually developed or not?

c) Whether it helped in grooming the personality or not?

d) Whether it helped in achieving the organizational and individual goals or not?

Self- Reflection of Impact and Effectiveness of Learning:”

Learning refers to concerted activity that increases the capacity and willingness of individuals, groups, organizations, and communities to acquire and productivity apply new knowledge and skills, to grow and mature and to adapt successfully to changes and challenges. Learning programmers are made to make the people learn and inculcate the knowledge or to learn something. The themes of learning programmes have an influence on work roles are as follows

It has improved my job knowledge and skills.

It has improved my morale.

It has helped to identify with the organizational goals.

It has fostered my authenticity, openness, trust.

It has helped in my overall development.

Helped me in knowing the how to work better.

Help in developing my learning skills, motivation, loyalty, better attitude, and increase the quality of work.


At the concluding part we can say that siemens is Europe’s largest conglomerate which has 15 divisions. As the manager of siemens a personal development plan can help in the overall growth which will help in achieving individual and organizational objectives and various learning plans has also been made to learn that how the do quality work? How to do work in effective manner? The learning has great influence on the employees. Now day’s personal development plan should play an important role in growth of an organization.Short, Medium and Long term Objectives Essay.

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