Sleep Quality Essay Assignment Paper

There are no doubts that sleep is one of the most important components of a good and healthy life. It is this time when people are able to relax and gain powers for the next day. Nevertheless, there are still many people suffering from bad and insufficient sleep, which can be identified with the help of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSCI). A bad sleep can result in various problems explained via the CHICa scale implying four main consequences people are suffering when deprived of sufficient and qualitative sleep. In addition, the variables above are positively correlated with forgetting frequency i.e. a worse sleep and a higher CHICa scale result in a higher forgetting frequency among usual people. Sleep Quality Essay Assignment Paper

To begin, it is a complex phenomenon that can be assessed with the help of the PSCI. It should be clear that the given index is not stable for various groups of people. Thus, Hinz et al. have conducted their own research in order to identify the correlation between the sleep quality and other factors (2017). The authors have questioned more than 9,000 people and arrived at a conclusion that sleep problems have not been correlated with age at all, while gender peculiarities have made males less subjective to the problems. On the other hand, “sleep problems were correlated with fatigue, quality of life, physical complaints, anxiety, and lack of optimism” (Hinz et al., 2017). Socioeconomic status can also influence the sleep quality. So, it is possible to state that there are a lot of phenomena that are able to reduce the sleep quality of ordinary people.Sleep Quality Essay Assignment Paper


In an attempt to systemize the probable impact a bad sleep can have on people, one can pay attention to the CHICa scale. This variable is said to mention the main reactions the people show following a systemized bad sleep. To be more exact, they are cold, hunger, irritability, and cognitive attenuation (Oginska, Mojsa-Kaja, Fafrowics, & Marek, 2014). Of course, there are a lot of other manifestations of sleep loss like a lack of energy or reduced concentration, but the four above are said to be most common. In addition, the author state that an increased sleep deficit is able to strengthen the negative consequences mentioned above (Oginska, Mojsa-Kaja, Fafrowics, & Marek, 2014). Thus, it must be clear that a loss of sleep is a very dangerous thing for our well-being and effective functioning of our organism.

To continue, it should be also mentioned that the sleep deficiency and its main consequences above can significantly influence our memory. Despite the fact that numerous scientists report that one of the main functions of sleep is represented by forgetting information, there is also the other side of the coin here. A lack of sleep does imply detrimental consequences for our brain functions. In fact, the PSCI is in positive correlation with forgetting frequency i.e. the higher the PSCI, the more important or relevant information you are going to forget. This state of affairs can be explained by the fact that “inadequate sleep impairs the hippocampus, the major brain structure that is responsible for learning and memory information” (Mayow, April 2015 – September 2015). The study has proved that insufficient sleep makes it harder for students to learn and memorize new information, which correspondingly results in serious learning problems. Sleep Quality Essay Assignment Paper

In conclusion, we have seen that it is difficult to over evaluate the meaning of sleep for ordinary people. Thus, an insufficient sleep can result in various problems including both physical and mental. It is a common thing when people suffering from a lack of sleep are facing various memory problems. In order to avoid such a situation, it is necessary to spend more time in bed.Sleep Quality Essay Assignment Paper