Social Behavior and Cultural Factor in Health

Week 5 Midterm

1The main difference between race and ethnicity is:

Race is a social construct and ethnicity is a group of characteristics that describe a group of people.

People can discriminate based upon race, but not on ethnicity.

People who believe in ethnicity and not race believe they are better than other races.

None of the above.

2Community-Oriented Primary Care is one way to:

Connect clinical care and public health.

Involve community members in the process finding cures to disease.

Reduce health care costs for marginalized citizens.Social Behavior and Cultural Factor in Health

All of the above.

3The Process of Cultural Competence in the Delivery of Healthcare Services includes all of the following constructs except:

Cultural awareness.

Cultural skill.

Cultural competences.

Cultural desire.

4Each is a contributing factor to individual health except:

Environmental exposures.


Behavior (lifestyle) choices.


5An example of a determinant would be:



Religious beliefs.

All of the above.

6A current definition of public health might read as:

The science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health…through organized community effort.

The organized community efforts aimed at the prevention of disease and the promotion of health.

The totality of all evidence – based public and private efforts that preserve and promote health and prevent disease, disability, and death.

None of the above.

7The relationship between theories of health and illness and a person’s “bodily experience” can best be described as:



Influencing contextual meaning.

None of the above.

8Nongovernmental organizations provide assistance to public health initiatives by:

Educating the public.

Supporting research.

Providing health services.

All of the above.

9Health disparities can be identified by all of the following except:

Higher incidence of chronic disease.

Higher mortality.

Poorer health outcomes compared to the majority of the population.


10The concept of Community-Oriented Primary Care implies:

That public health issues can and should be addressed at the level of the community with active involvement of health care providers and community members.

Certain principles underlie the concept such as defining health care needs by examining the community as a whole.

That great leadership is required to develop community partnerships.

All of the above.

11A member of the Black Panther Party could be classified as which of the following in the acculturation framework discussed in the text:

Assimilated.Social Behavior and Cultural Factor in Health




12The best example of how approaches to public health have changed over time would be:

A paradigm shift in the focus of attention in improving public health.

Development and discoveries within the medical profession.

Cultural and societal changes in the way we live.

None of the above.

13Which is not a step in developing Community-Oriented Primary Care?

Community definition.




14Theories of illness can be divided into what two categories?

Personality and naturalistic.

Worldview and community view.

Cognitive orientation and cultural orientation.

None of the above.

15Evil eye is an example of:

A cognitive theory of illness.

A personality theory of illness.

A naturalistic theory of illness.


None of the above.

16Multicultural health can be described as all, but the following:

Taking into consideration a patient’s lifestyle when offering treatment.

Not judging those health beliefs and practices that are different from your own.

Determining one best approach for providing health care.

Providing care within legal, ethical, and medically sound practices.

17Causes of health disparities associated with residential location may include each of the following except:

Environmental toxins.

Economic stress.


Physical conditions.

18The United States is often referred to as a “melting pot” because:

It is very diverse.

It is a leader in refining and melting precious metals.

Health care professionals work together to offer quality health care

None of the above.

19The main difference between a biomedical and a holistic approach to care is:

Research studies.Social Behavior and Cultural Factor in Health

Consideration of social aspects affecting wellness.

Cultural beliefs.

All of the above.

20Currently, an example of a vulnerable group would be:

High risk mother and children

People with disabilities.

Immune-suppressed persons.

All of the above.

21 The Lalonde Report was significant because:

First acknowledgment that health is determined by more than biological factors.

Led to the development of the health field concept.

Both A and B.

None of the above

22 Local health departments outside of large cities did not exist until:

The 19th century.

The 20th century.

The 18th century.

None of the above.

23An example of an essential public health service would be:

Regulation of nursing homes.



Policy development.

24Understanding cultural adaptation is important for health care professionals because:

They will be better prepared to identify which race or ethnicity a person is.

They will be better prepared to deal with such issues as language barriers and distrust of the American medical system.Social Behavior and Cultural Factor in Health

Both A and B.

None of the above.

25The agency most identified with public health at the federal level is:

The World Health Organization.

The National Institutes of Health.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

None of the above.

26The process that occurs when individuals or groups of different cultures are absorbed into the dominant society is called:





27The federal government’s role in public health is largely dictated by:

The Interstate Commerce clause of the US constitution.

Acceptance by the states of federal funding.

Both A and B.

None of the above.

28Private foundations have played a major role in funding public health efforts and also:

Advancing public health efforts.

Stimulating governmental funding.

Both A and B.Social Behavior and Cultural Factor in Health

None of the above

29The four components of population health are:

Health Issues, Interventions, Social Justice, and Health Concerns.

Health Issues, Population(s), Society’s Shared Health Concerns, and Society’s Vulnerable Groups.

Health Issues, Healthcare Systems, Traditional Public Health, and Social Policy.

None of the above.

30Each is a core public health function except:



Addressing underlying causes of disease.

Policy development.

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  • Culture is a pattern of ideas, customs and behaviors shared by a particular people or society. It is constantly evolving.
  • The speed of cultural evolution varies. It increases when a group migrates to and incorporates components of a new culture into their culture of origin.Social Behavior and Cultural Factor in Health
  • Children often struggle with being ‘between cultures’– balancing the ‘old’ and the ‘new’. They essentially belong to both, whereas their parents often belong predominantly to the ‘old’ culture.
  • One way of thinking about cultures is whether they are primarily ‘collectivist’ or ‘individualist’. Knowing the difference can help health professionals with diagnosis and with tailoring a treatment plan that includes a larger or smaller group.
  • The influence of culture on health is vast.  It affects perceptions of health, illness and death, beliefs about causes of disease, approaches to health promotion, how illness and pain are experienced and expressed, where patients seek help, and the types of treatment patients prefer.
  • Both health professionals and patients are influenced by their respective cultures. Canada’s health system has been shaped by the mainstream beliefs of historically dominant cultures.
  • Cultural bias may result in very different health-related preferences and perceptions. Being aware of and negotiating such differences are skills known as ‘cultural competence’. This perspective allows care providers to ask about various beliefs or sources of care specifically, and to incorporate new awareness into diagnosis and treatment planning.
  • Demonstrating awareness of a patient’s culture can promote trust, better health care, lead to higher rates of acceptance of diagnoses and improve treatment adherence.Social Behavior and Cultural Factor in Health
    social and Economic Factors
  • Social and economic factors, such as income, education, employment, community safety, and social supports can significantly affect how well and how long we live. These factors affect our ability to make healthy choices, afford medical care and housing, manage stress, and more.

The social and economic opportunities we have, such as good schools, stable jobs, and strong social networks are foundational to achieving long and healthy lives. For example, employment provides income that shapes choices about housing, education, child care, food, medical care, and more. In contrast, unemployment limits these choices and the ability to accumulate savings and assets that can help cushion in times of economic distress.


Social and economic factors are not commonly considered when it comes to health, yet strategies to improve these factors can have an even greater impact on health over time than those traditionally associated with health improvement, such as strategies to improve health behaviors.Social Behavior and Cultural Factor in Health

Across the nation, there are meaningful differences in social and economic opportunities for residents in communities that have been cut off from investments or have experienced discrimination. These gaps disproportionately affect people of color – especially children and youth.

In the Social & Economic Factors area of the County Health Rankings we look at:

  • Education, showing who in a community has graduated high school or attended some college in addition to the percentage of teens and young adults ages 16-19 who are neither working nor in school.
  • Employment, detailing unemployment statistics.
  • Income, looking at children in poverty and income inequality.
  • Family & Social Support, providing information on children in single-parent households and access to social opportunities.
  • Community Safety, measuring violent crime and injury deaths.Social Behavior and Cultural Factor in Health