Social Impact of Health Care Paper

Affordable access to health care is not only the matter of individual or public health but it is also the matter of the national wellbeing and the competitiveness of the domestic economy in the global competitive market. However, affordable health care should start since the early age or, to put it more precisely, immediately after the birth because the quality of post-natal care often defines the overall quality of life of individuals. New-born babies are very dependent on care providers and they need care and attention, especially if they have health issues. Post-natal care occurs in the period, when the proper health care is particularly important because any errors at this stage, or negligence, or simply the lack of care may lead to long-run negative effects, while if such care is not affordable for an individual, his/her entire life may be virtually ruined while the quality of living may be much lower compared to the quality of life of people, who received the proper post-natal care.Social Impact of Health Care Paper


Post-natal care is important because the quality of health of new babies defines, to a significant extent, their later life and health. If babies and their families cannot afford post-natal care babies can develop serious health issues which will progress in the course of time and intervene into their adult life. Moreover, costs of health care services will grow substantially for those people, because untreated condition is likely to aggravate and trigger the development of other, chronic health problems. As a result, individuals will have to focus on struggle for survival and their health rather than on their career. In national terms, such lack of access will lead to the decline of the public health and deprive the nation of valuable labor force, while the available post-natal care can save health care costs and contribute to the healthier nation and more competitive nation.Social Impact of Health Care Paper