Social Media By Nurses Example Paper

Social communication of nurses on online social websites like face book, Twitter and Google has created many issues in the society. As the confidential information regarding patient’s privacy has become the most risk factor. As nurses are discussing things publically that everyone can see. And ANMC code of conduct is totally opposite to shares the privacies of patient’s. Because, providing security is a human right and this unethical act can damage the trust of people as people will hesitate to provide information in any hospital.

Social Media By Nurses Example Paper



Privacy is important when using social media which also reflects in the principles. Considering the popularity of social media like Face book, Twitter and Google, people sometimes forget that what should be shown to the public and what could be misconduct of the profession. Social networking among colleagues, friends and clients has become an essential part of our daily lives. Many organizations are using social media to provide instant information to people and patients on their own organizational accounts which is quite comfortable for them. Nurses are educators at spirit, and outlets of social media provide a platform for education. They can share their own experiences, expertise and provide information on major health issues to number of consultation. Nurses are priceless resource for people who are looking for accurate information of health and care. This works at organizational level but now a day’s nurses are using social media without official guidance which leads toward the risk of confidential privacy of patients. Social media is an active communication with others in a proficient capacity can facilitate to extra educate and also give thoughts to how to reach patients.


Ethical Issues in nursing

The personal usage of social media by nurses like posting pictures or movies regarding the care provided to the patients on social sites as face book or twitter has become the abuse toward patient’s privacy. For example when they have an interesting patient for X-ray they make a decision to capture her/his picture and post that on face book that is illegal and violation of principles, the nurses who did this were straight fired for this act.

Social Media By Nurses Example Paper

When a nurse or midwife is in contact with any patient all the staff members should be aware of it and the nurse should not pursue the patient to talk about the disease online but a good way would be if she can tell him/her or encourage that email is more secure way of communication then any social network and it would be a good way of discussing the issues faced by the patients rather than making it publically. Discussions with colleagues about diseases are not wrong but keeping in mind that the conversation must not be related to any personal privacy of any patient would be a good idea. Sharing information about patients is not okay don’t do it and stop others if anyone is doing it. Providing professional information on social sites is 100% risky and the profile should be only accessible …Social Media By Nurses Example Paper