Social Problems Assignment Discussion Paper

The social problem concerns the negative role modeling experienced by African American teenage boys aged 13-17 in single-parent households through their consumption of hip-hop on Instagram. I explored that 23% of U.S. households are single-parenthood. African America holds 35% of the population of single-parent households. I further investigated and found that 23% of children under 18 years in the U.S. have single parents or no parents. However, single parenthood has some social problems, such as Hip-hop culture. Hip-hop culture significantly influences youth culture, and it is often celebrated for its artistic expressions of urban life. However, hip-hop music and videos often contain explicit content and misogynistic themes that can adversely affect youth, particularly young men’s attitudes toward women, violence, and drug use. I found from preliminary research that exposure to violent media can lead to aggressive behavior in adolescents and that negative role modeling can have long-lasting effects on their development. Additionally, studies have shown that African American males from single-parent households are more likely to be involved in criminal activities and become incarcerated than those from two-parent households. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how African American teenage boys from single-parent households deal with negative role modeling in their consumption of hip-hop on Instagram to prevent potential adverse outcomes. The negative role modeling experienced by African American teenage boys through hip-hop consumption on Instagram can have detrimental effects on their attitudes towards women, violence, and drug use, highlighting the need for preventative measures Social Problems Assignment Discussion Paper.


Overview and Consequences

Moreover, African American boys from single-parent households are already at increased risk of poor academic achievement, substance abuse, and involvement in the criminal justice system, perpetuating negative attitudes towards women and violence. Such activities are further exacerbating the societal issues surrounding this population. Ultimately, it can contribute to negative outcomes for individuals, their families, and their communities, such as the perception of social isolation.

Modern Society Complexity

The study by Cross and Zhang (2022) on nonresident social fathering in African American single-mother families sheds light on how modern society’s complexity affects young boys aged 13-17 in single-parent households in the African American community. The study found that the absence of a biological father figure in the family can lead to negative outcomes. Some adverse outcomes include poor academic performance, behavioral problems, and delinquency (Saleem et al., 2022). “Absent fathers are often unable to contribute time and financial resources to their children, and this can lead to negative outcomes such as poor academic performance, behavioral problems, and delinquency” (Cross & Zhang, 2022, p. 1252)Social Problems Assignment Discussion Paper. However, the researchers also found that nonresident social fathers, such as grandfathers, uncles, or family friends, can play a critical role in supporting the development of young boys in single-parent households.

The study’s findings suggest that modern society’s complexity includes increased divorce rates. I have reviewed and understood that the rise of single-parent households could have detrimental effects on young boys’ development in the African American community. As reinforced in the study, “Nonresident social fathers may provide emotional and instrumental support, serve as role models, and engage in activities with their children, which can have positive effects on children’s development” (Cross & Zhang, 2022, p. 1253)Social Problems Assignment Discussion Paper. However, the presence of nonresident social fathers can mitigate some of these negative outcomes (Melbourne, 2022). Therefore, it is essential to recognize the importance of nontraditional family structures and support systems. I found that mentorship programs and community-based initiatives promote positive outcomes for young boys in single-parent households in Africa American. The impact of hip-hop communalism on young boys aged 13-17 in single-parent households in the African American community is a complex issue. On the one hand, hip-hop culture can provide a sense of community and belong for youth who may feel disconnected from mainstream society. On the other hand, hip-hop culture can also perpetuate negative stereotypes and attitudes that can harm young men’s development.


McDaniel (2022) explores the social identity of students at Spelman College, a historically black women’s college, as motivated by the 2012 Violence Against Women Course Petition. The petition was created to address concerns about the representation of women in hip-hop music and its impact on gender-based violence. McDaniel found that students at Spelman College viewed hip-hop culture as empowering and problematic. One student noted, “Hip-hop culture is the culture that gave me the space to create my own identity, but at the same time, I have to constantly critique and analyze it because it is so entrenched in toxic masculinity and patriarchy” (McDaniel, 2022, p. 255). According to Katz’s (1957) Two-Step Flow of Communication theory, African American teenage boys may be influenced by opinion leaders in hip-hop culture who mediate the messages they receive from hip-hop consumption on Instagram to negative behavior development (Carey, 2009). This aspect may be helpful to them for coping with negative role modeling experiences.

Mays (2022) examines the utilization of outpatient mental health services for young black adults in urban environments. She found that hip-hop culture can play a role in how young people view mental health services. One participant noted, “Hip-hop culture is all about being strong and not showing weakness, so there’s a stigma around seeking mental health help. It’s like you are admitting that you cannot handle your problems on your own” (Mays, 2022, p. 82). I can argue that hip-hop communalism can positively and negatively affect young boys aged 13-17 in single-parent households in the African American community. It is crucial to recognize the complexity of this issue and provide resources and support for young people to navigate the challenges they may face in the community.

Health Determinants

However, in general, the social determinants of health can significantly impact the health outcomes of young boys aged 13-17 in single-parent households in the African American community. Factors such as poverty, inadequate access to healthcare, limited educational opportunities, and exposure to violence contribute to increased health disparities and adverse health outcomes (Hamilton, 2023). Addressing these social determinants of health through targeted interventions and policies can help improve this population’s overall health and well-being.

Environmental Imbalance

Based on the article, I found it essential to consider the social determinants of health that impact young boys aged 13-17 in single-parent households in the African American community. The review found that factors such as poverty, limited access to healthcare, exposure to violence, and discrimination can contribute to increased health disparities and negatively impact resilience (Katz et al., 1973). On the other hand, the concept of encoding/decoding suggests how health determinants are framed. Besides, communication in society can impact how African American teenage boys in single-parent households interpret and respond to negative role modeling in hip-hop consumption on Instagram. The dominant cultural codes surrounding health and masculinity may influence how these boys navigate their health behaviors and attitudes towards hip-hop culture (Hall, 1993). As the authors state, “Exposure to adverse life events, such as poverty, discrimination, and exposure to violence, increases the risk of negative health outcomes and reduces resilience among children, adolescents and young adults” (Llistosella et al., 2022, p. e3277). Therefore, it is vital to address these social determinants of health to promote resilience and improve this population’s overall health and well-being.



In conclusion, the complex issues surrounding young boys aged 13-17 in single-parent households in the African American community require a comprehensive approach to address the social determinants of health, environmental imbalances, and communalism. Nonresident social fathers can provide positive support and mitigate some of the negative outcomes. However, hip-hop culture can have both positive and negative effects. Targeted interventions and policies addressing poverty and limited healthcare access can advance mental health outcomes. Also, the intervention exposure to violence and discrimination can improve the quality of well-being of this population and promote resilience. Recognizing the importance of nontraditional family structures and support systems is crucial. These artifacts may consist of mentorship programs and community-based initiatives promoting positive outcomes for young boys in single-parent households in the African American community Social Problems Assignment Discussion Paper